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“Srpska” will not ask for support of Albanian voters (Danas)

By   /  22/11/2013  /  No Comments

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Officials of the Serbian government and ruling political parties stated that they will not call Albanian voters, living in predominantly Serbian municipalities, to support candidates of the list “Srpska”, in the second round of local elections in Kosovo, on 1 December. 

When asked what he expects from voting in northern Mitrovica on 1 December and whether Belgrade would invoke the Albanians to support candidate of CI “Srpska” Krstimir Pantic, Aleksandar Vulin, minister in charge for Kosovo and Metohija replied: “I expect that second round of elections in Kosovska Mitrovica will be completed regularly, smoothly, and hopefully with even bigger turnout. When it comes to the Albanian voters, we do not intention to send them special invitation. We invite everyone to come out and vote, and when they vote to choose those to whom they truly believe and for whom they know that they will keep the presence of the Serbian state in Kosovo and Metohija.” 

Vulin pointed out that the Serbian government “supports all Serbian Lists in Kosovo, but of course list “Srpska” is closest to her.” Minister for Kosovo and Metohija expressed hope that those “who did not have the time or the courage to vote in first round, this time will do so.” 

Milovan Drecun, President of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, said that Albanians have not announced a boycott of the second round of elections in Northern Mitrovica, but “their behavior is directed by Pristina. Consequently, the invitation of the Government of Serbia would not have great significance.” He stresses that one should hope that the next round of local elections will pass safely, not only in Kosovska Mitrovica, but throughout the whole of Kosovo. “I expect large turnout of Serbs south of the Ibar River, as well in the north. Voters will, I believe, choose mayors who will guarantee the good functioning of the future Community of Serbian municipalities,” says Drecun. 

Djordje Milicevic, spokesman and deputy of Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), estimates that there is no point to call Albanians to vote on 1 December because “we didn’t have a common interest with them.” 

“The elections in Kosovo are the only way to preserve state and national interests of Serbia, which will entail the establishment of the Community of Serbian municipalities. During repeated elections, last Sunday, voters in northern Kosovska Mitrovica showed clear and firm determination to remain in Kosovo, as well their belief in the Government of Serbia,” said Milicevic. 

Agim Deva, the candidate of Democratic Party of Kosovo for the mayor of northern Mitrovica, who did not pass the first round of elections, said yesterday that in the second round he will not support either of the two Serbian candidates. 

“The relationship between Ivanovic and Pantic is quite tense. I would leave voters to decide whom they will support,” said Deva. He added that he did not speak with Pantic or Ivanovic on the possible formation of the assembly majority, in the City Council. “I am asking the citizens to go out and choose the best,” said Agim Deva.

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  • Published: 11 years ago on 22/11/2013
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 22, 2013 @ 1:41 pm
  • Filed Under: Serb. Monitoring

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