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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 24, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

•    Konjufca doesn’t expect “anything important” from Kurti-Vucic meeting (media)
•    Muja: Meeting in Brussels to discuss if there is an agreement in place (media)
•    PDK’s Tahiri: Kosovo needs a new government (media)
•    Gervalla goes to Luxembourg, will attend EU foreign ministers’ meeting (media)
•    Osmani: KSF members “outstanding results” in prestigious academies (media)
•    Court sentences Orlovic to 15 months in prison for attack against KFOR (media)
•    Supreme Court President talks importance of judiciary’s independence (Koha)
•    Begaj says EU measures against Kosovo are unfair (media)
•    OSCE mission congratulates Egyptian community on day of celebration (media)

Serbian Language Media:

•    Research in Mitrovica: Albanians are leaving due to economic reasons, Serbs are leaving 
       due to ethnic tensions (Radio kontakt plus)
•    Milos Pleskovic pleaded not guilty (Radio KIM, media)
•    Kosovo Property Agency: We issued 24 notices for the relinquishing of property in N.Mitrovica – not 150, the decisions are final (KoSSev)
•    26th anniversary since kidnapping of miners at Belacevac, near Obilic (Kosovo Online)
•    Destiny of two Serbs kidnapped in Orahovac still remains unknown (Radio KIM)
•    Starovic: Pristina's efforts to join NATO will not bear fruit (Kosovo Online)
•    Vucic, Dacic attend Day of Interior Ministry, Police Day celebration (N1, FoNet)
•    Opposition politician: Western powers tolerate Vucic staying in power because of lithium 
       mining (N1, FoNet)


•    Kosovo Specialist Chambers reflect Kosovo relationship with West (Kosovo 2.0)


•    Miners of Trepca march towards ‘Reporting House’ exhibition (Prishtina Insight)                                            


Albanian Language Media  


Konjufca doesn’t expect “anything important” from Kurti-Vucic meeting (media)


Kosovo Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca, when asked to comment on the meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels this coming Wednesday, said that he does not expect anything important or essential. He also said that he doesn't expect Serbia to start implementing the Basic Agreement and that “no kind of Association” is on the agenda for Kosovo for the time being. 


Muja: Meeting in Brussels to discuss if there is an agreement in place (media)


MP from the Vetevendosje Movement, Armend Muja, told reporters in Pristina today that the meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels on Wednesday will “discuss if there is really an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia” because as he argued Serbia is violating the agreements that have been reached. Muja also highlighted Serbia’s campaign to prevent Kosovo from joining international organisations, the boycott of the elections in the north of Kosovo, and the attack against Kosovo Police in Banjska in September last year. With regards to the EU penalty measures against Kosovo, Muja said he expects they will be removed after the de-escalation in the north has been achieved. 


PDK’s Tahiri: Kosovo needs a new government (media)


Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Abelard Tahiri, said today that Kosovo needs a new government. “For two and a half years now, we’ve seen that the results of Prime Minister Kurti in the dialogue are self-management [for the Serb community], the Brussels agreement in 2022 and the Ohrid implementation annex, which are exceptionally detrimental, and there is also a draft statute [for the Association of the Serb-majority municipalities] that is on the table of the Prime Minister of Kosovo and the international community is asking him to send the draft to the Constitutional Court,” he told reporters after today’s meeting of the Kosovo Assembly presidency.


Commenting on the upcoming meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Tahiri said: “we cannot expect anything outside the topics that Kurti has produced in the dialogue. Certainly, I don’t know the agenda, I don't know the way it was organised, but what I can foresee is that the whole engagement at this meeting will be around the topics that Kurti has produced the last two and a half years”.


Gervalla goes to Luxembourg, will attend EU foreign ministers’ meeting (media)


Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, travelled to Luxembourg where she will attend the regular meeting of EU Foreign Ministers, following an invitation by EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Affairs, Josep Borrell. The meeting will discuss the joint challenges in foreign policy and security in the coming years. Gervalla will present Kosovo’s positions on the process of European integration, security in Europe and the region, Kosovo’s reforms in rule of law, increasing the level of democracy and economic development, and the need for concrete actions to safeguard peace and stability in the Western Balkans.


Osmani: KSF members “outstanding results” in prestigious academies (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a Facebook post today that she is proud of the achievements of members of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) in the most prestigious U.S. academies, colleges, and professional military centres in the world. “Over the last couple of weeks, the women and men of our Security Force proved outstanding commitment and results,” she said.


Court sentences Orlovic to 15 months in prison for attack against KFOR (media)


Most news websites report that the Basic Court in Pristina has sentenced Nenad Orlovic to 15 months in prison for an attack against KFOR troops in Zvecan last year. Orlovic, who has been in detention since June last year, was found guilty of using strong tools, improvised explosives, and firearms against KFOR troops. The charges against him are related to May last year when a violent mob of Serb protesters injured around 90 KFOR members.


Supreme Court President talks importance of judiciary’s independence (Koha)


The President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Fejzullah Rexhepi, in his address at the 14th conference of Supreme Courts of Central and Eastern Europe in Pristina today, talked about the importance of the independence of the judiciary and that it is the foundation of a functioning democracy. He said work is needed to safeguard the judiciary’s independence and that it should not be taken for granted.


Rexhepi said there are cases when the government has interfered in the judiciary such as “lowering the salaries of judges, and statements by government officials about cases that are being handled by the courts” and argued that this constitutes unacceptable pressure on the work of the judiciary. “Without the independence of the judiciary, the foundations of our democratic societies are not stable, and the very future of society comes under threat,” he said.


Begaj says EU measures against Kosovo are unfair (media)


Albanian President Bajram Begaj, who is staying for a two-day visit to Kosovo, said today that the EU penalty measures against Kosovo are unfair. “The EU’s measures against Kosovo are unfair and I believe that justice will be served very soon,” he said.


Begaj also said that Kosovo and Albania have excellent relations. “The relations between the two governments are very good, and the cooperation is very good. We will continue to do our work and cooperate for the good of the citizens,” he added.


OSCE mission congratulates Egyptian community on day of celebration (media)


The OSCE Mission in Kosovo said in a Facebook post today that it “extends warm congratulations to the Egyptian community in Kosovo on their day of celebration. The Kosovo Egyptian community are an integral element of the multi-ethnic society in the region with their rich history of tradition and culture. While challenges still remain for this community, participation at the governmental level is improving. Our Mission will continue to work for the improvement of the lives of people from all communities in Kosovo and support efforts in employment, education, housing, security and representation in decision-making at all levels. The OSCE Mission takes this opportunity to appeal to all institutions to uphold the protections offered to non-majority communities and encourage the promotion of their national identities”.


Serbian Language Media 

Research in Mitrovica: Albanians are leaving due to economic reasons, Serbs are leaving due to ethnic tensions (Radio kontakt plus)

More than 70% of Serbs and 60% of Albanians have a friend who left Kosovo in the last year-according to the data obtained within the research “In the centre of the storm - the crisis in the north of Kosovo from different perspectives” conducted in North and South Mitrovica, Radio kontakt plus reported. 

The New Social Initiative (NSI), in cooperation with Community Building Mitrovica (CBM), conducted research that reveals significant differences in the perception of security, migration and actions of the Kosovo government in the north of Kosovo among ethnic groups living in North and South Mitrovica. The survey included 460 respondents, of which 230 are from the northern part of Mitrovica and 230 from South Mitrovica. 176 Serbs, 24 members of other non-majority communities and 260 Albanians participated in the research.

Actions of Kosovo government in the north of Kosovo

Milica Radovanovic from the New Social Initiative said a survey showed that Albanians mostly support the actions of the Kosovo government in the north of Kosovo, while a significant majority of Serbs express opposition.

Differences were also observed in the perception of the motives behind the actions of the Kosovo government.

“Among Albanians, the dominant motives are ‘fight against organised crime’ and ‘establishment of Kosovo’s sovereignty in the north’, while Serbs believe that the main motives are ‘increasing of ethnic tensions’ and ‘disbanding of Serbian institutions’” Radovanovic said.

The presence of police special units

When it comes to the presence of Kosovo police special units, most Albanians believe that it increases their security, while no Serb said that they feel safer because of their presence.

“Albanians said that their presence increases security and freedom of movement, while Serbs express a lack of trust and a sense of insecurity”, Radovanovic said.

Potential intervention of the Serbian Army and the Kosovo Security Force

In Pristina, there was often talk of a possible attack by the Serbian Army on Kosovo, while the Serbian side expressed fears about sending the Kosovo Security Force to the north.

When it comes to the potential intervention of the Serbian army, about 25 percent of respondents believe that there is a probability for such an intervention, while about 60 percent believe that this possibility does not exist. On the other hand, when it comes to the intervention of the KSF, opinions are divided. About 40 percent of respondents believe that there is a real possibility for intervention, while about 40 percent believe that this possibility does not exist.

“It is the only question where there was no difference in the answers depending on the ethnicity of the respondents. So, roughly, in percentage terms, both Serbs and Albanians look at the possibility of intervention, both by the Serbian army and KSF”, Radovanovic added.

Community of Serb Municipalities

When it comes to the Association/Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM), the majority of Albanian respondents are against its establishment, while 53% of Serbs have no opinion on this issue.

“We did not receive a clear answer from the respondents from the Serbian community whether they support the establishment of the A/CSM, but we know that they are not against it”, Radovanovic noted.

And this was one of the open questions, where respondents were asked to justify their answers, which are mostly similar to the statements of officials from Belgrade and Pristina.

Respondents who support the formation of A/CSM stated that it will ‘bring stability to the region’, ‘greater autonomy for the Serbian community’, ‘increase security for the Serbian community’, ‘relations between Belgrade and Pristina will be formalized’, ‘will ensure greater independence for the Serbian community’ ‘will contribute to the development of rural and urban planning’, etc. On the other hand, those who oppose the formation of the CSM, offered as an explanation for their stance that it is ‘harmful for Kosovo’, ‘it violates the sovereignty of the state’, ‘it’s contrary to the Kosovo Constitution’, ‘it should not be allowed’, ‘we should not be obliged to fulfil everyone’s wishes’, etc.” Radovanovic explained.


One of the most alarming findings of the research concerns migration.

Namely, the research shows that 36% of Serbs and 23% of Albanians plan to move out of Kosovo in the near future. Also, 43% of Albanians and 39% of surveyed Serbs reported that a member of their family left Kosovo in the last year.

However, as many as 73 percent of Serbs and 60 percent of Albanians reported that at least one of their friends left Kosovo in the last year.

The interviewees were then asked what the main reasons were as to why these people left Kosovo.

“We see a significant difference there. While among the Albanians the economic situation, better opportunities for business and education were the three main reasons that they believe were decisive for leaving Kosovo, on the other hand, among the Serbs there were ethnic tensions, political tensions, and the economic situation came in third place”, Radovanovic pointed out.

Interethnic relations in the future

The opinions of the Albanian and Serbian communities also differ when it comes to interethnic relations in the next five years.

“Albanians are optimistic and believe that relations will improve, while Serbs are sceptical and more convinced that interethnic relations will deteriorate rather than improve in the future”, Radovanovic said.

Perceptions are significantly rooted in media narratives

Radovanović opined that perceptions are significantly rooted in the narratives available in Serbian and Albanian media.

“The media can play a significant role. So that would be one of the recommendations - that the media report in a more balanced and objective manner and give space for the perspective of the other community, so that, if nothing else, people are exposed to the views of the other side”, Radovanovic said.

For Milica Radovanovic, the answers they have received are not surprising, but, on the other hand, they are useful.

“For us, this was actually a confirmation of what we already knew in a way. However, whenever we talk about these things, about problems or when we say that people don’t feel safe or things like that, we usually get asked where do you get your data from. It is important that you have data, figures, and credible research for things like this. Now whenever someone asks you where the numbers are, they exist, we have them”, Milica Radovanović from the New Social Initiative concluded. The survey was conducted from February 29 to March 7 this year.

Milos Pleskovic pleaded not guilty (Radio KIM, media)

Milos Pleskovic, an internally displaced person from Prizren, who lived with his mother in Ugljare village, near Kosovo Polje, pleaded not guilty on Friday in relation to the accusations that he allegedly committed war crimes against the civilian population in Kosovo in 1998, Radio KIM reported. Pleskovic was arrested in September 2023 in Ugljare village and has remained in detention ever since.

His defence lawyer, Jovana Filipovic said Plenkovic has never been a member of Serbian army or police.

"He was 19 years old at the time when the court suspects him of having committed a crime. According to our knowledge, he was not even in Prizren at that time, but had another place of residence. We talked more about that before the court", Filipovic said.

"Today, we requested his release, after he pleaded not guilty to the acts he is accused of in the indictment. We are waiting for an answer from the Basic Court in Pristina. That is, the decision whether his detention will be terminated or extended", she added.

The hearing in the Basic Court in Pristina was attended by the affected party and the witness who verbally insulted and threatened Pleskovic. The witness was then removed from the courtroom.

Pleskovic is a displaced person from Prizren and lived with his mother in the Bergen settlement in Ugljare village, near Kosovo Polje.

Kosovo Property Agency: We issued 24 notices for the relinquishing of property in N.Mitrovica – not 150, the decisions are final (KoSSev)

After reviewing the request, we issued 24 notices for the relinquishing of property in North Mitrovica, not for 150-200 cases, the Kosovo Agency for Comparison and Verification of Property said in response to the claims made by official Belgrade about alleged “shameful decisions for Serbs from the north to be moved out of the apartments they purchased”.

This agency stressed that the notices were issued based on the previous legally binding decisions of the Housing and Property Claims Commission, which the agency is obliged to implement, clear out the properties in question, and return them to the possession of the ”successful claimants.”

“Expelling Serbs, installing Albanians” 

The head of the Kosovo Office, Petar Petkovic, announced in mid-June that allegedly around 150 Serbian families from the north of Kosovo received a request from the Kosovo Agency for Comparison and Verification of Property to move out of the apartments which they currently inhabit.

Petkovic also said that they were given a deadline of the end of June, after which they would be reportedly forcefully evicted.

While criticising official Pristina, Petkovic claims that these apartments were purchased by citizens 20-30 years ago from Trepca and other social enterprises.

“Kurti is persisting with his policy of ethnic cleansing and expulsion of the Serbian people from Kosovo and Metohija, and the decision of the Kosovo Agency for Verification and Comparison of Property serves this purpose, which implies, among other things, the eviction of Serbs from their apartments,” said Petkovic at the time.

He also stated that the work of the agency itself is disputed, because it was allegedly established contrary to the agreements from Brussels.

“Representatives from Belgrade and the European Union should also be part of that agency. Therefore, they continue to unilaterally implement some of their decisions, to expel Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, but also settling Albanians in the North, which is what happened with these fake mayors in four municipalities, and it is an indicator of the direction in which Albin Kurti’s policy is moving.”

Questions and partial answers

KoSSev reached out to the Kosovo Agency for Comparison and Verification of Property on the same day Petković reacted, however, the answer arrived last week.

We asked them to confirm that they sent requests to Serbs in the north to vacate their apartments, to reveal the reason behind this alleged request, and to confirm the allegations that these individuals actually bought the apartments from Trepca and other companies, as claimed by Belgrade.

We also asked the agency to verify the allegation that the tenants have until the end of June to move out and to clarify what will be done with the apartments after the current residents vacate them.

However, the agency provided partial answers to some of our questions.

They did not comment on Belgrade’s allegations about the purchase of apartments, i.e., they failed to provide a clear explanation as to why the eviction was requested. The agency only referred to the previously adopted decision of the Commission for Housing and Property Claims, without any further explanation.

Although they confirmed that the requests, that is, notices for eviction were sent to the citizens, they did not specify whether there is a deadline, or whether the citizens must vacate the apartments by the end of June, as Belgrade claims.

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26th anniversary since kidnapping of miners at Belacevac, near Obilic (Kosovo Online)

Families, friends, colleagues and members of the associations of kidnapped and killed Serbs in Kosovo laid the wreaths to the victims of a massive kidnapping of Serb workers at Belacevac mine, near Obilic, which took place on June 22, 1998, Kosovo Online portal reported.

On June 22, 1998, nine workers of Belacevac mine and one more person who was supposed to start working on that day were kidnapped – Dusan, Pera and Zoran Adjancic, Mirko Buha, Dragan Vukmirovic, Filip Gojkovic, Miroslav Trifunovic, Srboljub Savic, Zarko Spasic and Bozidar Lempic. Their destinies still remain unknown.

In the period prior, during and after the conflict 57 workers of Serbian electricity provider company Elektro Srbija were killed and 27 kidnapped, Kosovo Online portal recalled. 

Destiny of two Serbs kidnapped in Orahovac still remains unknown (Radio KIM)

On June 22 this year it had been 25 years since two Serbs from Orahovac, Gradimir Majmarevic and Sinisa Vitosevic went missing. Their destiny until today remains unknown, Radio KIM reports citing Radio Gorazdevac.

Gradimir and Stanisa were kidnapped in Orahovac. On June 22, 1999 they went to the vineyard, two hundred metres away from the last Serbian houses in the upper part of Orahovac. In a cottage next to the vineyard, Gradmir had hens and a dog and the two of them went there to feed them. According to the statements of their family members, after they failed to return, they informed KFOR on the same day, but they took no action. According to the testimony of the now late wife of Gradimir Majmarevic, Veska, she said the family had information that they were kept for three weeks in the Firefighters House in the lower part of Orahovac.

Gradimir’s daughter Natasa Ugrenovic told Radio Gorazdevac that for 25 years she did not know anything about her father. “Believe me, I do not know what to tell you. No one told us anything for papa, the last thing we found out was the news from the report of Dick Marty that he was a victim of organ trafficking, him and Cile (Sinisa) who was kidnapped together with him. I go every year to a memorial of July 17, when a memorial service is served to all those who perished in Orahovac, and then it makes me feel as if I came to his burial spot. We do not know where he is, we do not know who took him, who killed him, no one knows anything. If we do not mention them, it would be as if they were not existing, and that is probably the wish of those who inflicted this evil upon us”, Natasa said.

Natasa also said she is disappointed in the Serbian state as it is doing nothing regarding the missing Serbs issue.  

Starovic: Pristina's efforts to join NATO will not bear fruit (Kosovo Online)

Despite Pristina's desire to join NATO, this will not happen in the foreseeable future, Nemanja Starovic, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran, and Social Affairs, told Kosovo Online portal. He added that membership in this Alliance is not about meeting certain requirements or criteria, as with the Council of Europe, but rather about the fundamental issue of status.

He recalled that four NATO member states do not recognize Kosovo unilaterally declared independence and that some of them are very firm in this stance.

"I would highlight, for example, Spain, which does not allow any steps, no matter how small, to be taken in that direction. Despite Pristina's declared desire and intention to join organisations such as the UN and the Council of Europe, which we have witnessed in recent months, I believe they are very aware that this is quite far off, if not impossible. However, their real goal and ambition are to gain recognition from the five EU member states that have not yet done so, four of which are also NATO members", Starovic said.

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Vucic, Dacic attend Day of Interior Ministry, Police Day celebration (N1, FoNet)

Serbian Internal Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said there is no strong state without a strong military and police, and stressed that the police have been and will continue to be a pillar of the country and its citizens’ security, N1 reported.

At a ceremony marking the Day of the Internal Affairs Ministry, the Day of the Police held Sunday, Dacic said being a member of the police is not just a job. He thanked Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian Government for their support to the police, noting that the police force is becoming increasingly better equipped and the livelihoods of police officers more secure.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called on the police to “prepare” for trying times to ensure that every inch of Serbia is safe.

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Opposition politician: Western powers tolerate Vucic staying in power because of lithium mining (N1, FoNet)

Zdravko Ponos, the leader of the Serbia Center (SRCE) party, stated that following the June elections, the possibility of lithium mining in Serbia is increasing, adding this is one of the reasons why Western powers tolerate, as he said, electoral fraud and allow President Aleksandar Vucic to remain in power.

“After the elections, Aleksandar Vucic has a clear path for lithium mining. The promise that this is a great opportunity for a better life and prosperity does not hold. It seems that it has been agreed and signed that mining in Serbia will be profitable, which means it is unsafe. No one knows exactly what has been signed, which likely means that the agreement is made to be profitable rather than safe for the environment“, Ponos said at the Founding Assembly of the SRCE party’s city organisation in Kikinda.

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Kosovo Specialist Chambers reflect Kosovo relationship with West (Kosovo 2.0)

Opinion piece by Aidan Hehir, reader in International Relations at the University of Westminster.

A dispatch from the trial of Thaci, Veseli, Selimi and Krasniqi.

In August 2002 I attended the trial of Slobodan Milošević at “The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia” (ICTY) in The Hague. In early June 2024, I visited The Hague again, this time to observe the trial of former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) members Hashim Thaçi, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC). All are charged with six counts of crimes against humanity and four counts of war crimes; the indictment also alleges that the four were members of a “joint criminal enterprise.” The trial, and the court itself, are a stark illustration of how Kosovo’s importance to the West has declined. 

An alien court 

The KSC has largely slipped from the headlines. There have been the occasional moments of societal anger in Kosovo, but the proceedings now largely play out in the background. At time of publishing, the KSC’s YouTube channel has just 571 subscribers and most of the uploaded videos have only a couple of dozen views. Given the trials’ importance, this is remarkable. The nature of these proceedings no doubt accounts for the public apathy. 

Depictions of trials on film and television are far from the reality; rather than the moments of high tension, sharp exchanges and gasp-inducing revelations, the KSC’s proceedings grind along at a glacially slow pace. This is due in large part to the fact that legal proceedings are orientated towards forensically examining the minutia of each testimony, but also because in this court, each question to the witness has to be translated, then the witness answers and this too is translated. A number of times, in fact, the head judge asks the witness to slow down so that the translators can keep up. The majority of the questions posed relate to mundane details; by the time we get to anything of note, hours have gone by. 

There is something almost otherworldly about the courtroom; the judges, prosecution and defense team all wear floor-length gowns that give them the appearance of an order of monks. The four judges — from the U.S., Switzerland, Germany and the Republic of Ireland — peer down from a raised platform like some alien race of higher beings from Star Wars. 

The viewing gallery inside the courthouse is generally empty but occasionally a group of law students bustle in; they enthusiastically take notes as the prosecution and defense lawyers speak, and whisper to each other when the judges intervene. They are here to study the judicial processes and listen to debates about legal intricacies; for them, the trial is a spectacle, an evolving case study, a chapter in their dissertation. The accused are but peripheral characters. Kosovo is some supposedly war-torn place in Eastern Europe they will likely never visit.

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Miners of Trepca march towards ‘Reporting House’ exhibition (Prishtina Insight)


With the aim of commemorating and raising awareness of the importance of the 1989 Trepca miners’ strike in Kosovo, miners from Trepca marched towards the ‘Reporting House’ exhibition on Thursday, where stories of the war in Kosovo, sacrifice, and resistance are displayed.


On Thursday, miners from the Trepca mine in Mitrovica marched through the centre of Prishtina towards the ‘Reporting House’ exhibition, marking the 25th anniversary of Kosovo’s Liberation with a tribute to their pivotal 1989 strike. The exhibition, a collaboration between BIRN Kosovo,, Pristina Biennial, and Paper Gallery, serves as a compelling narrative of Kosovo’s wartime struggles and the enduring spirit of resistance.


Gani Beqiri, vice-chairman of the Miners’ Pensioners Association, spoke of how the striking miners endured 8 days and 8 nights in extremely difficult conditions, “ I had only a helmet to use as a pillow and a jacket as a blanket.”


Hazir Reka photo of Trepca miner’s march in 1988 exposed in ‘Reporting House’ exhibition in Prishtina


Among them were also miners featured in the Reporting House exhibition.


Isuf Boletini,  a former miner who appeared in a famous photo of a 1988 meeting which can be seen at the Reporting House exhibition,  explained that the strike was an effort to prevent the closure of Albanian schools in Kosovo and the expulsion of Albanian intellectuals from the University of Prishtina. 


“The first strike was for political reasons; the goal was to defend the 1974 Constitution, to defend intellectuals who were discriminated against after being expelled from universities, as well as to protect Albanian schools as we had heard they wanted to close them and expel Albanians.”


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