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Collapse of a corrupt system (Koha Ditore)

By   /  06/02/2014  /  No Comments

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The paper’s editor-in-chief, Agron Bajrami, says that the recent EULEX search operation at the residence of the late president, Ibrahim Rugova, resulted in the arrest of an MP for selling Italian visas and this, though organized, is no serious crime but it is a sort that can never happen to a representative of the people, let alone to someone who comes from such a distinguished and adored name.

“And being as such, this news is sensational,” writes Bajrami adding that international media were quick to report on the story focusing mostly on the name of the person arrested for organized crime.

Similar to the current events at the University of Pristina, Bajrami notes that yesterday’s arrest came as no surprise. “Everything was almost an accident everyone waited to happen.”

Ibrahim Gashi is not the first UP rector caught misusing his post and Uke Rugova is not the first politician to be arrested for criminal activity, observes Bajrami. Other similar officials were in the past investigated, arrested, and tried but this did not prevent them from remaining involved in politics.

Most of the people in Kosovo are convinced that even more shocking arrests need to happen if Kosovo is to free itself from corruption and crime, adds Bajrami.

Wednesday’s arrest is the final sign that Kosovo leadership has sunk the country deep into crime and corruption and although the corrupt system is about to totally collapse, the arrest of one MP or the resignation of a rector are not enough to bring things to normal.

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  • Published: 10 years ago on 06/02/2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: February 6, 2014 @ 3:38 pm
  • Filed Under: Opinions

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