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OSCE Broadcast 6 February

By   /  06/02/2014  /  No Comments

• Clashes between protesters and police in front of UP Rectorate building (All monitored broadcasters, KTV)
• Assembly doesn’t approve LDK recommendations on UP (All monitored broadcasters, KTV)
• Jacobson: Modalities for Serbian parliamentary elections are being prepared (Most monitored broadcasters, KTV)
• CEC draws lottery for north Mitrovica/Mitrovicë elections (Most monitored broadcasters, TV21)
• Prosecutor requests 30 day detention for Rugova and others (All monitored broadcasters, KTV)
• Clientelism threatening good governance in Kosovo municipalities (RTK1)

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Clashes between protesters and police in front of UP Rectorate building

(All monitored broadcasters, KTV)


The eighth protest of students in front of the UP Rectorate building escalated. Supported by civil society representatives and many citizens, after entering the Rectorate compound, protesters attempted to enter the building as well. However, immediately they clashed with Kosovo Police members, who within a few minutes pushed protesters away of the cordon. On this occasion, police officers, private security persons, and many protesters were injured.


Students demanded the police to leave the Rectorate, saying that the police presence represented a law violation. As the police did not leave, the situation got further aggravated. Seeing that the protesters did not intend to withdraw, the order was issued for arrival of special police forces that were located not far from the Rectorate building, while some of those forces were staying since the morning inside the Rectorate building, together with rector Gashi and with the Steering Committee members. They kept using teargas and spray, making many protesters seek help, as they were injured in clashes with the police.


According to the police, five police members and one security guard were injured, and two protesters sought help; however, according to the video footage, it seems that there are more than six injured persons. Two of them got medical treatment at the University Clinic Centre and others were treated by ambulances.


Protesters did not stop demanding resignation of rector Gashi, calling him a dictator who, according to them, is using police to exercise violence against protesters. However, protesters were not that peaceful either, as they were seen dragging police members by force out of the Rectorate compound; moreover, the protesters, some of them activists of Vetëvendosje Movement, would throw strong objects at the police members.


Protesters were supported by civil society members who believed that they were close to what they called the victory.


Meanwhile, UP Department of Mathematics joined protesters’ demands for rector Gashi’s resignation. According to Head of the Department Rexhep Gjergji, pressure is put on academic units to publically support the skimmers.


Head of UP Department of Journalism Milazim Krasniqi wrote on his Facebook account that pro-Serb segments are stronger now than in 90s. “Sons of Serb women (a derogative language for Serb women was used) are desecrating even the most sublime institution of knowledge in our state, and they look proud,” Krasniqi wrote.


This was followed by reactions on social networks, where Prof Krasniqi was criticised for the pejorative language used, by calling students ‘sons of Serb women’.


Prof Krasniqi also was on the electronic portals’ headlines on Thursday, because a conversation with an old friend of his leaked. The friend asked Krasniqi to employ her nephew as a dentist, and Krasniqi told her that he would try to talk to the Ministry people to settle her nephew. However, Prof Krasniqi labelled those who published this conversation as UDB (Yugoslav Intelligence Service) members.


Assembly doesn’t approve LDK recommendations on UP

(All monitored broadcasters, KTV)


Due to the lack of quorum, the Kosovo Assembly did not approve recommendations of LDK that amongst others requested dismissal of UP Rector Ibrahim Gashi.


The Assembly debate was characterised by mutual accusations between MPs about plagiarism of academics. LDK and other opposition parties demanded resignation of rector Gashi along with the entire academic staff.


The debate turned to verbal clashes between Prime Minister Thaçi with the debate initiator, LDK. Thaçi did not hesitate to accuse academics as men of plagiarism, mentioning the name of LDK vice president Sabri Hamiti as a man of plagiarism. Thaçi said that Hamiti has no morale to deny this.


PDK and its coalition partner AKR quit the session, because LDK did not agree to include Prime Minister’s proposal in the recommendations.


The session will resume on Friday.


Jacobson: Modalities for Serbian parliamentary elections are being prepared

(Most monitored broadcasters, KTV)


The US Ambassador to Kosovo Tracey Ann Jacobson did not rule out the opportunity that Serbian parliamentary elections will also be held in Kosovo. She said that modalities and ways that would allow this are being discussed. According to Jacobson, if something happens this will be a good sign for Kosovo’s democracy.


“I think that is very important that people be able to vote. As the Prime Minister said, people in Kosovo with dual citizenship and who can vote in Serbian elections, they should be provided the opportunity to vote. I understand that modalities for this are being prepared. I think that it will be a good sign for Kosovo if the modalities allow Kosovo Serbs to vote in Serbian elections if they want to,” Ambassador Jacobson stated.


US Ambassador Jacobson made these statements on the occasion of completion of restoration of Saint Stephen’s Church and parish house in Hoça e Madhe/Velika Hoca.


Escorted by the Rahovec/Orahovac Mayor Idriz Vehapi, Ambassador Jacobson said that Council on Hoça e Madhe/Velika Hoca is intensively working on implementation of the Law on this area.


CEC draws lottery for north Mitrovica/Mitrovicë elections

(Most monitored broadcasters, TV21)


The Central Elections Commission (CEC) organised the draw on political parties’ ranking in ballots for the extraordinary mayoral elections in Mitrovica/Mitrovicë north.


CEC spokesperson Valmir Elezi said that the CEC has certified political parties and their candidates running for the post. There are two political parties and two civic initiatives.


Oliver Ivanovic from the GI SDP has been drawn number 30, Goran Rakic from the Civic Initiative Srpska 31, Musa Miftari from the LDK 32, and Florent Azemi from the PDK 33.


On Thursday, CEC also marked the Global Elections Day. On this occasion, Kosovo Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi said that this Day provides the opportunity to discuss the elections process, its functioning and the electoral reform. Krasniqi underlined that political will is needed to complete the electoral reform.


CEC Chairperson Valdete Daka, on the other hand, said that messages sent on this Day are powerful and express the need to reinforce the democratic development process. Ms Daka expressed CEC’s gratitude to international organizations for their direct or indirect contribution to the elections process. She underlined that CEC will take their remarks into account.


Prosecutor requests 30 day detention for Rugova and others

(All monitored broadcasters, KTV)


Hearing session on Ukë Rugova and others is going on. The case prosecutor Allan Cansick has requested 30 day detention for the suspects, with the justification that there is the risk of fleeing, influencing witnesses, and repeating the offences, as they acted as a criminal group.


Clientelism threatening good governance in Kosovo municipalities



Clientelism is to a great extent threatening the system of good governance, accountability, and meritocracy at local level. This is the conclusion of the report ‘Clientelism: an alternative dimension for governance in Kosovo’, published by the Kosovo Institute for Local Government.


The Prishtinë/Pristina mayor Shpend Ahmeti said that his government would try to combat clientelism.


Recommendations from the conference included the need for innovation from civil society, building policy development capacities of political parties, education campaigns, and limiting mandate of mayors to two mandates.

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About the author

Mulitimedia Specialist

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