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Fees restrict the exchange of goods with Kosovo (RTS)

By   /  07/02/2014  /  No Comments

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By introducing tariffs on goods from Serbia, Kosovo’s government for a long time is violating CEFTA agreement, which is signed with countries in the region eight years ago. Fees, insurance and other taxes drastically increase the cost of products which are sold in the province, and some of producers are forced to withdraw from the market.

 Everything that we once sent in the southern Serbian province is now officially exported, because after abolishing the embargo on the goods from Serbia, a year ago, was established the market with Kosovo and Metohija, as with any other country. On the documents for the goods, in addition to the stamp of the Serbian Customs, now instead of UNMIK is stamp of Kosovo.

 “There are a lot of problems starting from the one that they do not recognize our invoices which are attached when goods cross, but they determine the value of the invoices, and therefore the basis for the calculation of duties,” said Vladan Stanojevic of the Nis Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Due to the high customs duties, some producers who have been selling goods in Kosovo for years reduce production. Brickworks at Prokuplje plans to close factory and sack 220 workers if the problem is not resolved soon. “We need to influence the international community so they could influence the Kosovo institutions to eliminate these administrative barriers,” said Miroljub Ristic, vice president of “Mladost” company from Nis. 

Albanians who are importing goods from Serbia are also dissatisfied with the decisions of Kosovo government. “Now they put some sort of a fee of 100 euros more, which affects the cost of the food. On the other hand, I have to pay analyses for the imported goods. This may be normal for someone, but it costs money and time because I have to wait two to three days,” said Kujtim Sahici, trader from Gnjilane. 

Three years ago we exported in south Serbian province products valued at 370 million dollars, and imported three million. In 2012 import was quadrupled. Last year, the export value was half a billion dollars. 

Through administrative line Merdare daily passes about 60 trucks with goods towards Kosovo. During the summer time, there are twice more. Last year through Merdare towards Kosovo and Metohija passed a little more than 12,000 trucks with the goods. 

Top selling products are wheat, electricity, medicines, construction materials and food products. We buy copper alloy, hollow profiles and recyclable materials.

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  • Published: 10 years ago on 07/02/2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: February 7, 2014 @ 12:01 pm
  • Filed Under: Serb. Monitoring

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