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‘Green Card’ to be introduced soon instead of expensive insurance policies (RTK2)

By   /  13/02/2014  /  No Comments

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New agreement is about to be reached which would enable reduction of very expensive insurance taxes for vehicles which are passing through crossings between Kosovo and Serbia, said Executive Director of the insurance company Siguria, Rahim Pacolli to RTK2.

“We are working on the new agreement which is about to be finished and which will provide reduction of very expensive insurance taxes, which amounted up to 603 Euros annually for citizens of Serbia when entering Kosovo, while citizens of Kosovo were paying 616 Euros, plus 30 Euros for temporary registration plates and 50 Euros per day. When it comes to new agreement in Brussels, it is about to be reached,” said Pacolli. He explained and how will the new procedure look like.

“Serbian side will introduce insurance policy, such as green card, which will be valid for a year, and Serbs from Kosovo will be able to get it in their place of residence and it will be ten time more favorable than currently. The same conditions will apply for Albanians from Kosovo when entering territory of Serbia. In case of traffic accident on the territory of Serbia, agreement foresees that a traffic police officer who speaks Albanian would attend the scene of the incident in order to fill out the form in that language. The same goes for citizens of Serbia on the territory of Kosovo. This agreement will soon come to force,” concluded Pacolli.

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  • Published: 10 years ago on 13/02/2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: February 13, 2014 @ 2:31 pm
  • Filed Under: Serb. Monitoring

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