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Ilir Deda will support someone in the elections (Lajmi)

By   /  13/02/2014  /  No Comments

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Ilir Deda knows that he will openly support someone in the next parliamentary elections but for the time being he prefers not to reveal which political party he could join. One thing is certain: he will not sit still.

In an interview for KTV, Deda says he shares similar positions with the Vetevendosje Movement and that he is constant touch with its Albin Kurti. However, he adds that this doesn’t mean Vetevendosje will become his political house. For now.

“I have many friends in Vetevendosje and we share the same political positions on many issues. I am in regular touch with Albin and the others.”

Does this mean he will join Vetevendosje?

“There is no decision about this, we haven’t discussed it concretely. I prefer not to talk about this, because I have yet to make my decision and people could speculate in the meantime. I will support someone and come national elections I will not be director of KIPRED.”

Deda believes the only way to remove the current government is for opposition parties to run with a joint list. He also says that he hasn’t seen such readiness.

“A coalition of the opposition is needed to change the current government in Kosovo. Such a coalition would have to be formed before elections. There is no readiness among the opposition to run with a united list.”

“The population wants changes and a programme of change should be provided. I will always be a supporter of change.”

In the interview for KTV’s show Rubikon, Deda also spoke of local elections which, he said, proved that the people punish those who don’t work.

As for elections in municipalities with Serb majority, he thinks they were not democratic because the people were forced to vote.

“The era of stepping on the people has ended in Kosovo. This place will not tolerate any kind of injustice anymore. The will of the people through elections should now be respected.”

“All new mayors are aware that the citizens will not forgive them.”

“In the North, there was a fabrication of democracy. People were forced to go out and vote.”
Speaking of the students’ protest that demanded resignation of University of Pristina rector, Ibrahim Gashi, where Deda also took part, he said “it took the students to wake up the people.”
He stressed that claims that the protest was politically motivated are aimed at diverting the attention from the four demands of the students.

“They wanted no more than normality and standard at the UP. Of course I had to support them; it was everyone’s duty to do so.”

“We are used to such manipulations, because every time the students demand something, it is said it is a political manipulation.”

“They demanded justice and standard. We have to be proud of the youth we have. It took the students to wake up our people.”

Ilir Deda said he was treated well by the police at the detention centre where he spent 48 hours but added that his arrest was political.

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