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About the dependence of the independent state (Koha Ditore)

By   /  14/02/2014  /  No Comments

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Lumir Abdixhiku, writes today about the sixth anniversary of Kosovo’s declaration of independence. He considers that six years are sufficient to see in retrospective. We imagined a different perspective then, he says, because before that, for nine years we had been listening the same words on competencies, undefined status, unstable image, political priorities and other justifications for the stagnation.

However, six years after independence, “dependency on the international community remains the same. Furthermore, this friendship has now been transformed into some prophetic friendship and standard platform of insane justifications of those who want to be by all means leaders of this country. In order to cover their numerous deficiencies, both in mind and expression, they refer to the international friends, ambassadors, diplomats and other technicians who calendar even their visits to the toilet.

Six years ago, we kept claiming that we would not go beyond the sacrifice made with Ahtisaari’s Plan. However, now we find ourselves in front of requests to change the Constitution, offering and negotiating financial, judicial and territorial autonomy of the north, and forgetting about the missing, war damages, apology, ravishing of pensions…

Our misfortune stands on the idea that we believe the justifications of those incapable to have impact on foreign policies. This battle was lost when internationals so the vigor of the greedy ones to take everything from the state, says Abdixhiku.

He further speaks about unemployment, illegal migration, start of religious divisions “not by majority, but by a group of lunatics,” and crime, stressing especially the economic stagnation. “If there is any patriotic act that could be made for this fragile state on its sixth birthday, then that is independence from the dependents, independence from ignorant invaders and those who serve them, who are seriously damaging the state and its population. This should be our mission for the seventh year of our statehood, in order to mark not only the symbolic but also the progress in general,” concludes Abdixhiku.

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  • Published: 10 years ago on 14/02/2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: February 14, 2014 @ 11:31 am
  • Filed Under: Opinions

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