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Is there a solution for unemployment? (KIM radio)

By   /  14/02/2014  /  No Comments

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Unemployment of 30,9 per cent, lack of big public enterprises, process of transition and privatization are characteristics of the economic situation in Kosovo, said Minister for Labor and Social Welfare Nenad Rasic and added that unemployment will be the main challenge for all in the period ahead.

“Unemployment will most probably be the first problem on our agenda. We don’t have sufficient economic growth to employ everyone. There are no more big public enterprises, everything circulates in the private sector currently. We are in a transition period which is painful, and that is challenge for all,” said Rasic.

Minister announced new projects for development of private businesses, however he stressed that those are only short-term solutions.

“We are currently working on a new project called ‘social incubator’, the tender is ongoing and implementation of the project in Gračanica/Graçanicë will follow,” said Rasic.

Director of the Administration in Gračanica/Graçanicë municipality Zvonko Stankovic said that most of job vacancies have been offered recently in the education sector.

“Total number of applications was 1361 for 50 vacancies, while there were 328 invalid applications,” said Stankovic and added that jobs in the public sector and projects are good employment opportunities at least for a month, until a long term solution is found for the unemployment.

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