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Progressives will not change the preamble of Kosovo (Danas)

By   /  14/02/2014  /  No Comments

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SNS: Territorial integrity within the current Constitution. LSV: We thought that SNS would never have signed the Brussels Treaty, and look what happened. DSS: And the Danas poll is propaganda.

Belgrade, Novi Sad – Serbian Progressive Party opposes the eventual abolition of the Preamble to the Constitution of Serbia devoted to Kosovo, Danas was told in the party. “If there was a change in the Constitution, the SNS would not allow Serbia’s territorial integrity to be jeopardized within the present Constitution. Let’s repeat territorial integrity within the current constitution. We would not abolish the preamble of Kosovo,” said to Danas, Veroljub Arsic member of the Board of SNS.

He pointed out that the progressives have made several initiatives to amend the Constitution. “In the first place, we are committed to reducing the number of MPs, but for now we did not get the approval of other political parties. We believe that the current constitution is not perfect, but it is the best since the introduction of multiparty system in Serbia,” concluded Veroljub Arsic.

Bojan Kostreš, vice president of the LSV (League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina), estimates that, for example, in April 2012, no one ever would have thought that the SNS will accept and sign the Brussels agreement with Pristina, and “see what happened, they have done it much more efficiently than we could imagine that the previous government would do it.”

“It is not news that the LSV priority is to change the highest law of the state. Let me remind you that we were, in addition to the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), the only for a boycott of the constitutional referendum in 2006. Let me remind you also that the referendum did not pass only in Vojvodina,” said Kostreš.

The LSV, at the time of the adoption of the current constitution, warned that it is not long term sustainable. “We were against the current constitution of a number of reasons, among which is the most important one related to the provision that Serbia is a state of Serbs and others, then that domestic law is above international. We believe, also, that dramatic rationalization of defining the position of Kosovo is required. And finally, there is the question of the autonomy of Vojvodina. Seven percent of the budget to Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is the most common scam, and the Constitution leads Vojvodina to paralysis and inability to consume the constitutional jurisdiction,” said Kostreš.

The DSS Vice President Slobodan Samardzic believes that the problem is that Danas is dealing with this issue at all.

“And the poll of Danas is propaganda aimed to the Constitution amend. These are directives from the West and from the EU, because they want, after Kosovo, to take and Vojvodina and southern Serbia from us. What’s next?” categorical is Samardzic in a statement to our list.

The deputy leader of Kostunica’s party believes that in Serbia “is being created media climate that should convince our citizens that everything is ripe to change the Constitution.” “We need to agree to the atmosphere of occupancy. Constitutional changes are not necessary for the sake of European integration. The Constitution has all the constitutional provisions from the field of international agreements and relationships that enable normal negotiations with the EU. No they do not need nothing else, no European clauses and the like. This is done only when you enter the EU,” concluded Slobodan Samardzic.

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  • Published: 10 years ago on 14/02/2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: February 14, 2014 @ 1:58 pm
  • Filed Under: Serb. Monitoring

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