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Ramush loses the battle! (Zeri)

By   /  15/02/2014  /  No Comments

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The battle of Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), to bring down the Thaci government through a motion of mistrust in parliament has failed in the start. It seems that Haradinaj was “de-conspired” even before the start of the project to secure 61 MP votes required for a motion of mistrust against the government.

Haradinaj’s initiative failed after Isa Mustafa, leader of the biggest opposition party, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Prime Minister and PDK leader Hashim Thaci agreed that national elections should be held after election reforms, namely in June. The LDK issued a media communique confirming the agreement.

“LDK leader Isa Mustafa and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci met on Friday and discussed election reform and general elections. The two leaders agreed that the parliamentary committee should conclude election reform, and then the government would submit it for approval to parliament in March,” the press release said.

“Leaders also agreed that all necessary preparations should be made for free and democratic elections monitored by international observers and an official request will be sent to the European Union and the OSCE”.

“The two leaders believe that necessary preparations need to be made in coordination with political parties and after a consensus in parliament to hold general elections in the first half of the year. Meetings with leaders of other political parties will be held in the coming days.”

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