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PDK with memorandum to abolish Parliament (Tribuna)

By   /  19/03/2014  /  No Comments

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The paper’s front-page report details how PDK leader Hashim Thaci is planning to reach a written agreement with leaders of political parties that would set the date to abolish Parliament and for early general elections. Senior PDK officials have an unfinished draft-agreement in their hands that they will present to other political parties at a meeting that Prime Minister Thaci plans to host soon.

“We are in the final phase of preparing the written agreement. In fact, the agreement contains several points that we believe will be accepted by all political parties. The abolishment of Parliament is one of the proposals, and we will discuss the timelines at the meeting. We hope that other parties will agree on these points,” a senior PDK official told the paper, adding that PDK plans to suggest 15 April as the latest date to abolish parliament and the last Sunday of May for early general elections.

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