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UNMIK Headlines 7 April

• Thaci to be sworn in as Kosovo president today (Epoka e Re)
• Closed dialogue between PDK-LDK and AAK-NISMA (Koha)
• Molliqaj: Separate ways with NISMA and AAK (Koha)
• AAK ready to continue protests alone (Kosova Sot)
• AAK to join the government in May (Bota Sot)
• Albanian PM Rama to visit Kosovo today (Kosovapress)
• Telephone code, a condition for the Association/Community (Zeri)
• “Gavric’s explosive, same as one used in France and Brussels attacks” (Koha)
• Another individual from Kosovo killed in Syria (Zeri)

Headlines - 07.04.2016

UNMIK Headlines 6 April

• Pristina-Belgrade dialogue on trade reciprocity to continue (Kosova Sot)
• Reciprocity continues (Epoka e Re)
• Selimi: Kosovo will continue dialogue with Serbia (Epoka e Re)
• Haradinaj: Coalition, only with a different PDK (Zeri)
• Kosovo not planning to apply for EU membership any time soon (Koha)
• Another Kosovo man killed in Syrian conflict (Telegrafi/Gazeta Blic)

Headlines - 06.04.2016

UNMIK Headlines 5 April

• Kosovo and Serbia fail to agree on recognition of ADR certificates (Koha)
• Kosovo insists on border demarcation with Serbia (Zeri)
• Grabovci: Opposition rushed to politicize demarcation process (Epoka e Re)
• Collaku: We expect positive report on visa liberalization (Zeri)
• LB: Serbian elections, aggression toward Kosovo (Epoka e Re)

Headlines - 05.04.2016

UNMIK Headlines 4 April

• In a Kosovo visit, Vucic claims Trepca mine belongs to Serbia (dailies)
• Ymeri: Vucic’s visit, undermining of Kosovo’s sovereignty (Kosova Sot)
• Konjufca: Mustafa’s sons have business ties with Miskovic (dailies)
• Veseli: PDK open for coalition with AAK as well (Zeri)
• EU calls for urgent meeting regarding ADR certificates (dailies)
• KLA martyrs’ cemetery damaged in Kacandoll (Zeri)

Headlines - 04.04.2016

UNMIK Headlines 2 April

• Serbia PM to visit Kosovo on Sunday (Zeri)
• AAK aims for equality with Vetevendosje in elections (Koha Ditore)
• Ymeri: AAK rejected opposition’s alternative (RTK)
• EU welcomes the start of implementation of the SAA (dailies)
