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UNMIK Headlines 20 July

Haradinaj: Current version of demarcation will fail (Epoka e Re)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said on Tuesday that the government of Kosovo is panicking over the demarcation of the border with Montenegro. He said this panic is being expressed through what he called propaganda of speaking on behalf of international partners and NATO. Haradinaj claimed that many MPs from the ruling coalition are already convinced that the current version of the border-demarcation deal is wrong. “We welcome the debate on 3 August; we welcome any discussions. We know that this issue will remain open, being that this version will fall and procedures for a new version will be initiated,” Haradinaj said.

“Government did not implement resolution on demarcation” (Epoka)

Opposition representatives are claiming that the government has failed to respect a resolution adopted by the Assembly on the border demarcation with Montenegro, prior to signing the agreement with the neighboring state. The resolution, which was adopted on 25 June 2015, provided that the 1974 borderline of Kosovo should be taken as reference for demarcation of the border with Montenegro. Vetëvendosje MP Shqipe Pantina said on Tuesday that with the endorsement of this resolution, the opposition kept its word from a year ago. Muharrem Nitaj, member of the leadership of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said that the government failed to respect the resolution and all other documents during the delineation process.

“Demarcation and Association blocked political life in Kosovo” (Kosova Sot)

The EU Special Representative to Kosovo, Samuel Žbogar, said on Tuesday that the European Commission’s Progress Report is expected to address as major problems the current crisis and the paralyzed political life in Kosovo. He argued that the agreements on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and border-demarcation with Montenegro have paralyzed political life in Kosovo. He also said that the Progress Report will take note of high-level appointments in public institutions and enterprises that have hindered work in these institutions. “We will raise our voice more over these appointments,” he said.


The number of ministries to be reduced by October (Zëri)

The paper reports in a front-page story that the number of ministries in the Kosovo government will be reduced before October this year, when the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, is expected to visit Kosovo. Citing unidentified sources, the paper writes that this was a request of the international community, since it was estimated that the work of several ministries can be carried out in the framework of other ministries. These sources also said that another request from the international community was send to professionals in the boards of public enterprises rather than political parties militants. The deputy spokesperson of the US Embassy in Pristina, Jessie Kuykendall, told the paper that it is in the interest of Kosovo to have professional people heading independent agencies and public enterprises.

Kozarev: Serbia does not plan to have demarcation with Kosovo (Kosova Sot)

The deputy director of the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian Government, Dusan Kozarev, while commenting on statements made by Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj that Kosovo should delineate the border with Serbia, said that there cannot be demarcation where there are no borders. “Serbia will not set the border with its southern province,” Kozarev was quoted as saying.

Piero Cristoforo Sardi appointed new Italian ambassador to Kosovo (Zëri)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi received on Tuesday the credentials from the new Italian Ambassador to Kosovo, Piero Cristoforo Sardi. According to a press release issued by the President’s Office, Thaçi congratulated Ambassador Sardi on his new appointment and expressed his readiness to deepen the good relations with Italy. Ambassador Sardi thanked President Thaçi for the hospitality and said that Italy will continue to support Kosovo and its Euro-Atlantic path.

Bahtiri: Internationals support me, the government does not (Zëri)

The Mayor of Mitrovica South, Agim Bahtiri, said on Tuesday that he has the support of the international community in Kosovo, but not that of the government. “For the north of Kosovo, I am prime minister because the government of Kosovo never addressed the problems of this part of Kosovo. There are over 12 thousand Albanian residents from northern Mitrovica that are still unable to return to their homes. I have managed to build several houses for Albanian residents who are now living in the north,” Bahtiri said.

Mustafa and Selimi are not listening to Anti-Corruption Agency (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that Kosovo’s Anti-Corruption Agency (AKK) had found several months ago that Petrit Selimi was involved in a conflict of interest as he holds both the post of Deputy Foreign Minister and the post of national coordinator of the Millennium Challenges Corporation (MCC). The AKK had called on the government to avoid this conflict of interest. However, neither Selimi nor Prime Minister Isa Mustafa are listening to the anti-corruption agency. Selimi on the other hand told the paper: “I have sent additional documents to the AKK, proving that there were many cases in the past and presently when the government appoints national coordinators that also hold other public functions. I have also submitted evidence that the post of national coordinator of the MCC in the Office of the Prime Minister is not executive and is limited to 18 months, in other words, it is not a permanent post”. Civil society representatives meanwhile argue that the prosecution can initiate ex officio investigations into the matter.

Two alternatives for Brezovica ski resort (Koha)

Kosovo’s Trade and Industry Minister, Hikmete Bajrami, told a press conference in Pristina on Tuesday that the government has two alternatives for the development of the Brezovica ski resort. “One is Plan B through the Law on Strategic Investments, whereby a considerable number of companies are interested to make investments in this strategic asset. And the other alternative is to repeat the regular procurement procedure,” Bajrami was quoted as saying. Commenting on the Law on Strategic Investments, which was not adopted in the Kosovo Assembly, Bajrami said it is not the key to all of Kosovo’s economic problems. “However, it is an additional catalyst that makes Kosovo a more competitive player vis-à-vis countries in the region and beyond to attract serious investors and companies to Kosovo,” she added.