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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, 03 July

• 73 new coronavirus cases in Kosovo in last 24 hours (media)
• Another two patients succumb to COVID – 19 (media)
• North Macedonia considering shutting down Kosovo border (media)
• Assembly President calls for new elections (Gazeta Express)
• Hoti: The Prime Minister represents the state in dialogue (media)
• EULEX: Mandate guaranteed by Kosovo and international laws (media)
• What is Council of Experts’ role in Kosovo – Serbia dialogue? (RFE)
• Vucic: To recognise Kosovo’s independence? Forget about it (

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 2, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 02, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Veliu meets Lajcak’s adviser, discuss dialogue with Serbia (RTK)
• Grenell to set a date for the meeting at White House soon (Koha, Express)
• Hoti talks to Kurz: Austria will support Kosovo’s EU integration (RTK)
• UK Embassy signs Memorandum of Understanding with Kosovo institutions (media)
• KLA war associations and former political prisoners to protest on 9 July (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

• Ten new Covid-19 infection cases registered in Serb-areas in Kosovo yesterday (Radio KIM)
• Kesic: A more serious dialogue only after the American elections (Kosovo Online)
• Bieber: Vucic party's victory proves Serbia is undemocratic country (FoNet, N1)
• Djuric: Citizens choose Vucic’s policy so Serbia can be strong (TV Most)
• Alliance for Serbia says opposition front to be formed (BETA, N1)


• An unexpected pole position: The EU in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (EURACTIV)
• The US and EU Have Both Failed Kosovo (Balkan Insight)
• Winston Churchill of the Balkans? (
• Media should focus on COVID-19, not political drama (Prishtina Insight)


• Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas Vow Protests Against President Thaci’s Indictment (Balkan Insight)
• Biden Compared Indicted War Criminal to “George Washington” (


• Kosovo Court Angers Unions by Blocking Salaries Law (Balkan Insight)
• Coronavirus: Austria issues travel warning for six Balkan states (BBC)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 02

• 113 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours (media)
• Von Cramon: Hopefully a mutual recognition agreement during fall (media)
• Palmer: U.S. remain committed to normalisation of relations (media)
• Heldt: Pandemics, dialogue and visa liberalization to be on focus (Koha)
• PM Avdullah Hoti to visit Tirana today (media)
• EU: Hoti took commitment on EULEX (Express)
• Selimi: Proposed indictment was announced intentionally (media)
• Koci: First indictment expected to be confirmed or denied in July (media)
• Tahiri: No discussions to include PDK in government (RTK)
• (Correction) Judah: Dialogue weakens if Thaci resigns (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 01, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Hoti: Dialogue has no alternative, I will lead it (Koha)
• Haradinaj: Merkel understands Kosovo’s needs, visas will liberalise (Ekonomiaonline)
• Bytyci: PDK is in opposition, involvement in government is speculation (media)
• 111 patients with COVID – 19 at Infectious Clinic, four in critical condition (media)
• 70 Prishtina doctors in self-isolation, 11 tested positive with Covid-19 (Kallxo)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: I will not allow the ordered solution for Kosovo (media)
• Dacic: Relations between Serbia and US positive, despite challenges (N1, Beta)
• Germany takes over EU Presidency (Beta, N1)
• Djukanovic: There is no solution for Kosovo without merging politics and economy (RTS)
• EU to open its borders for Serbian citizens as of July 1 (Tanjug, B92)
• Brnabic: Serbia too small to interfere with great powers (N1, FoNet)
• Association “Support Me” to launch petition against ban to Arlov to enter Kosovo (Radio kontakt plus)
• Agreement between KOSTT and ENTSO foresees licensing of Serbian operator (KoSSev)
• Online classes to be continued in September? (B92, Tanjug)
• DPM Rakic met French Ambassador, OMiK Head (Radio KIM)


• Trump Administration’s Bet on Kosovo’s Thaci Fails to Pay Off (Balkan Insight)
• Kosovo’s Specialist Prosecutor begins ‘stirring the pot’ (Prishtina Insight)
• Trans-Atlantic relations and the Western Balkans (


• Kosovo president Hashim Thaçi vows to resign if war crimes trial goes ahead (The Guardian)
• New Times, New Hope for Balkan Whistleblowers (
• Serbia’s ruling party just scored a landslide victory. Here’s why the opposition boycotted the election (The Washington Post)


• First joint human rights report by CSOs in Kosovo (media)
• Serbian Government denies shortage of coronavirus tests (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 01

• 79 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours (media)
• Health Minister: Situation with coronavirus is under control (media)
• EU intends to continue Kosovo – Serbia dialogue without Thaci (RFE)
• MEPs: Merkel to put visa liberalisation for Kosovo on EU council agenda (media)
• Grenell: US focus on economic normalisation motivated Europeans (media)
• Judah: Dialogue weakens if Thaci resigns (media)
• Wisner: Kosovo is in a very serious crisis after proposed indictment (media)
• Without EULEX, operation of Special Court becomes impossible (Koha)
• Hoti calls on Assembly to address budget with priority (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 30, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 30, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Rama: I am here to support Kosovo and its politicians (media)
• PM Rama annuls his meeting with Haradinaj (RTK)
• Orlando: We look forward to visa liberalisation for Kosovo soon! (media)
• 111 patients with coronavirus currently treated at Prishtina Hospital (media)
• Council reacts to Hoti and Zemaj on facemasks remarks (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Tanjug: The EU 'took note' of Thaci's announcement (B92)
• Mihajlovic: Thaci thinks he would manage to ‘cleanse’ his biography as Haradinaj did (Kosovo-online)
• Kosovo police to assist municipal inspectors in enforcing new measures on Covid-19 (Radio kontakt plus)
• Bieber: Enthusiasm for Serbia's Vucic declining in Germany (Beta, Danas, N1)
• German Ambassador: Serbia’s EU integration depends on progress in reforms (N1, FoNet)
• DPM Rakic met Norwegian Ambassador Grondahi (TV Most)


• PDK’s lawsuit against BIRN can’t hide the truth (Prishtina Insight)


• Kosovo’s president hits out at ‘fabricated’ war crimes charges (Politico)
• Serbia’s Vučić: Kosovo talks must go on despite Thaçi indictment (


• Coronavirus: Worst could be yet to come, WHO warns (BBC)
• Live Blog: Central, Southeast Europe Responds to Uptick in COVID-19 Pandemic (Balkan Insight)
• OpisMEDIJavanje: Fact-checking protects the journalist and the reputation of the media (KoSSev)
• 60 organizations condemn Austrian embassy’s role in ‘illegal’ hydropower operation (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 30

• President Thaci’s address to the people after proposed indictment (media)
• Hoti: We will react with dignity toward new developments (media)
• Rama starts his day by distributing his speech on defense of KLA (media)
• Vetevendosje’s Nagavci says Thaci’s address was scandalous (media)
• Haradinaj: A great power behind Specialist Chambers (media)
• Zeka: List includes other very powerful political actors (Klan Kosova)
• Abrahams: EU, US to seek justice in Serbia for Kosovo crimes (media)
• Kicmari: I think the President should've resigned tonight (T7)
• 136 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours (media)
• US State Department Country Report on Terrorism for Kosovo (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 29, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Rama: Indictment, a stain of shame (media)
• Selimi: Lack of transparency in dialogue, bad signal for the country (media)
• Osmani denies allegations for KFOR protection and discussing special court with Ambassadors (Express)
• Concerning spread of coronavirus in Kosovo (RFE, media)
• Von Cramon: Macron does not want liberalisation of visas for Kosovars (media)
• Hoti: Not wearing masks represents a criminal offence (media)
• "Trump gives Grenell last chance for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue" (Klan Kosova)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: If Trump wins, it will be easier for Serbia (Kurir, B92)
• Vucic: Dialogue should resume despite indictment against Thaci (BETA, N1)
• "The indictment in 'carrot and stick' fashion intended for Belgrade" (Tanjug, B92)
• Antonijevic: Increase in the number of newly infected in Serbian communities (Kontakt plus radio)
• New measures to curb Covid-19 in northern municipalities (KoSSev, Radio kontakt plus)
• Djilas: Reconciliation of the people, but not with Vucic and Thaci (KoSSev, N1)
• Serbs mark Vidovdan at Gazimestan Monument (KoSSev, N1)
• Serbian List, Djuric condemned beating of Serbian men at Gazimestan (Kosovo-online)
• Serb house in Gracanica robbed (Radio KIM)


• Nationalism May Well Haunt a Post-Pandemic Balkans (Balkan Insight)


• Kosovo's President To Address War Crimes Charges In Speech To Nation (RFE)
• Germany: Merkel's CDU eyes Western Balkans immigration curbs amid coronavirus (, DW)


• Safe house opened in Zubin Potok (Radio Mitrovica Sever)
• Crisis Staff session ended, new measures to be introduced (B92)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 29

• 87 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours (media)
• Due to increased cases of Covid-19, EU borders remain closed for Kosovo (Koha)
• PM Hoti: We might have to reintroduce isolation measures (media)
• Osmani: Significant rise requires government’s urgent attention (media)
• Coronavirus spreads in the Assembly (Indeksonline)
• Assembly Presidency and committees should not meet, Council suggests (media)
• President Thaci to address the media on Monday (media)
• Specialist Chambers comment on accusations against Thaci (Klan/Telegrafi)
• Albanian PM Rama to visit Kosovo on Monday (media)
• EULEX work not affected by lack of letter exchange (Koha)
• Serwer: Shore up the Kosovo state (
• EU undercut the U.S.-led Kosovo–Serbia summit (National Review/media)
• Police detain then release two persons during St. Vitus celebrations (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 27

• Hoti: Liberation war is sacred, territorial integrity will not be discussed (media)
• German Foreign Office: We support Specialist Chambers (Express)
• German MPs: Parliament not to give in to efforts to abolish special court (media)
• EU considers EULEX has legal mandate to continue mission (Koha)
• Schutz: Germany fully supports vital role of EULEX (media)
• Limaj calls for unity after indictment against Thaci and Veseli (media)
• “Any obstacle to Special Court and EULEX, grave consequences” (media)
• "Call for Justice" supports Specialist Chambers’ work (Kallxo)
• Cakaj after meeting Grenell: No plans for Kosovo partition (media)
• Serb “that threatens the situation” not allowed to enter Kosovo (Koha)
• 62 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours in Kosovo (media)