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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 02

  • 113 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours (media)
  • Von Cramon: Hopefully a mutual recognition agreement during fall (media)
  • Palmer: U.S. remain committed to normalisation of relations (media)
  • Heldt: Pandemics, dialogue and visa liberalization to be on focus (Koha)
  • PM Avdullah Hoti to visit Tirana today (media)
  • EU: Hoti took commitment on EULEX (Express)
  • Selimi: Proposed indictment was announced intentionally (media)
  • Koci: First indictment expected to be confirmed or denied in July (media)
  • Tahiri: No discussions to include PDK in government (RTK)
  • (Correction) Judah: Dialogue weakens if Thaci resigns (media)

113 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours (media) 

113 new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours, the National Institute for Public Health said in a statement on Wednesday evening. 36 new cases are from the municipality of Prishtina.

Von Cramon: Hopefully a mutual recognition agreement during fall (media) 

The European Parliament’s Rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola Von Cramon, said on Wednesday that she remains hopeful a mutual recognition agreement between Kosovo and Serbia will be reached during the fall.

“I am optimistic about the #dialogue between #Kosova and #Serbia. @MiroslavLajcak has managed to meet with both sides @Avdullah @avucic came to Brussels last week. With #EU in the driver's seat we’ll be able to move forward soon. Next phase will be hopefully #Paris conference,” she tweeted.

Von Cramon also said: “The expectation will be that we finally hopefully will see a mutual recognition agreement during the fall and this is where we really have to push for and we really have to work for with both sides and hopefully we can achieve this successful outcome until the end of this year”.

Palmer: U.S. remain committed to normalisation of relations (media) 

The U.S. Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer, and EU Special Representative for the Kosovo – Serbia Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, said in a video conference today that the U.S. and the EU are not rivals and that they share the same objectives and visions for the Western Balkans. Palmer also said that the U.S. remain engaged in the region and committed to the final objective – the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

Heldt: The focus will be on pandemics, dialogue and visa liberalization (Koha)

The transfer of the EU Council presidency from Croatia to Germany was also marked in Kosovo through an online presentation by the Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Natalyia Apostolova, Croatian Ambassador Danijela Barisic, and German Ambassador to Kosovo, Christian Heldt.

Heldt said there are three issues that will be in focus during the next six months for Kosovo.

“Except for the general issues of the rule of law and war against corruption, the challenges of the pandemic, dialogue with Serbia and liberalization of visas will be in focus during the next six months in Kosovo,” he said.

PM Avdullah Hoti to visit Tirana today (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, will pay an official visit to Albania today.

Hoti will be received by Prime Minister Edi Rama at 09:30.

Meetings with other senior officials of the Albanian state are also on Hoti’s agenda.

Hoti's visit to Tirana follows that of Prime Minister Rama in Prishtina.

Rama visited Pristina after the indictment filed by the Special Prosecution in The Hague against Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Kadri Veseli.

EU: Hoti took commitment on EULEX, the EU mission continues work (Express)

EU spokesperson Peter Stano, told Gazeta Express news portal that Kosovo took a commitment under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement to jointly work with the European Union, including EULEX, in strengthening Kosovo rule of law institutions.  “It is important that in the meantime, our support and assistance, including with EULEX, to Kosovo’s rule of law institutions continues. The rule of law is a cornerstone of EU’s engagement in Kosovo and a fundamental criterion for its [Kosovo’s] EU perspective. It is a key principle for the international community and a firm expectation from the people of Kosovo,” Stano said.

He said the EU is interested to continue working with the Kosovo Government, to strengthen Kosovo rule of law institutions.

“The presence and the operations of EULEX continue to be guaranteed under international and Kosovo law. As European Union, we want to continue working with the Kosovo government to take forward together our common agenda of strengthening Kosovo rule of law institutions. We have had a strong partnership since 2008. It is in the interest of Kosovo but also in the interest of the European Union and its Member States,” Stano stated.

The EU spokesperson has also mentioned the statement of Kosovo prime minister, Avdullah Hoti, during his recent visit to Brussels when stated that the Government will respect all international obligations. “We also welcome clear statement by Kosovo Prime Minister Hoti during his visit in Brussels. (“My Government will fully respect its international obligations”)” Stano concluded.

Selimi: Proposed indictment was announced intentionally (media) 

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Selim Selimi, commented in a debate on Klan Kosova on the proposed indictment against President Hashim Thaci and Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Kadri Veseli. He said he was not aware that the proposed indictment would be announced on the day when Thaci was scheduled to travel to Washington to meet with the Serbian delegation. Selimi also said that the proposed indictment was published to produce certain political effects.

Koci: First indictment expected to be confirmed or denied in July (media) 

Prishtina-based attorney Arianit Kaci said in a debate on Klan Kosova that the Specialist Chambers are expected to confirm or reject the first indictment in July, and they will also decide on another indictment in August. “There are two indictments from the prosecution in late January,” Koci said.

Commenting on the proposed indictment against Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, Koci said Thaci has no legal obligations to resign his post and that it is up to his discretion to decide on the matter. Koci also said that by announcing the indictment without being confirmed, the prosecution has scored an own goal. “The Specialist Prosecution has scored an own goal with the press release on the indictment. Politically, it will damage Thaci and Veseli, but legally it will help them. This is in fact an ideal situation for their defense teams,” he added.

Tahiri: No discussions to include PDK in government (RTK) 

Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister, Besnik Tahiri, commented on recent media reports on the possibility of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) joining the Hoti-led government. “There is no indictment yet against the President and there are no discussions on this issue at this point, neither at the political level or the government level. We are now waiting what will happen. By September we will know if there will be an indictment against the President. For the time being he is in office and there are no talks on this issue. He is also not the leader of the PDK, and we have the majority [in parliament]. There are no talks at this point, that’s all I have to say,” Tahiri said.

(Correction) Judah: Dialogue weakens if Thaci resigns (media) 

British reporter and analyst on the Balkans, Tim Judah, said in an interview for Voice of America in Serbian on Tuesday the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia will weaken if the indictment against Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is confirmed and he resigns. He said that if Thaci resigns, the parties will not have negotiators with the same strengths. He

added that it is not likely that the meeting in Washington will take place because of the uncertain situation surrounding Thaci and with the upcoming presidential elections in the United States.

Judah also said he believes the indictment against Thaci will be confirmed. “I think it will be confirmed, because it has been worked on for 20 years. I think the prosecutor wouldn’t have proposed the indictment if he wasn’t confident that it will be confirmed. I assume that the prosecutor believes that there is sufficient evidence not only for the case to reach trial but to win [the case] in court,” he added.

Correction: The last sentence by Mr. Judah was misquoted in the original source in yesterday’s edition.