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HRAP latest news

27/06/16 - In June 2016, during its last, 95th session, the Panel adopted its Annual Report 2015/16. This report covers the opinions and decisions of the Panel delivered in 2015 and until the end of its work. The Panel also adopted its Final Report, which presents the overview and analysis of the Panel’s experiences and jurisprudence, conclusions and recommendations for the future. The Final Report will be presented to the SRSG and the public in due course.
24/05/2016 - During the its’ session in May 2016, the Human Rights Advisory Panel has adopted opinions in the last two remaining complaints.
     In case 08/10, Tomë Krasniqi v. UNMIK, the Panel found UNMIK in violation of articles 9 and 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), for not providing the complainant with an old age pension sufficient to secure an adequate standard of living.
     In case 81/10,  Employees of the Kišnica and Novo Brdo Mines of Trepča Complex v. UNMIK, the Panel  found a violation of Articles 6 (access to court) and 13 (absence of legal remedy) of the ECHR, Article 1 of the Protocol 1 to the ECHR (right to property), as well as of the articles 9 and 11 of the ICESCR (inadequate social security support).
     The full opinion of the case in English, Serbian and Albanian will be available on the Panel’s website in the coming weeks.
18/03/2016 - Today, the Human Rights Advisory Panel (HRAP) has issued an opinion in its final case regarding Missing and  Murdered Persons (MMP). In total, the Panel heard 248 cases including 235 victims spanning a period of over 7 years.
The final case was S.M. v UNMIK, case no. 342/09. The case was initiated by events occurring in Pejë/Peć municipality, Kosovo on 26 June 1999.  Specifically, Ms X., a woman with mental and physical disabilities, was raped and killed in her family home as her mother, Mrs M., was blindfolded to a chair and forced to listen to the atrocity. In its opinion, the Panel found that UNMIK, by failing to conduct an effective investigation in the case, committed a  violation of Article 2, procedural limb, of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The Panel also concluded that by its behaviour, UNMIK contributed to the complainants’ distress and mental suffering, in violation of the procedural limb of Article 3 of the ECHR. Finally, the Panel found that concerning  Ms X., UNMIK  also violated the relevant provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
The full opinion of the case in English, Serbian and Albanian will be available on the Panel’s website in the coming weeks.

29/02/16 - In February 2016, during its 91th session, the Panel adopted an opinion on the merits concerning a complaint no. 26/08, N.M. and Others. It will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština, on 14 - 20 March 2016.


15/12/15 - In December 2015, during its 89th session, the Panel adopted two (2) opinions on the merits concerning two (2) complaints: no. 136/09 (Ljubomir Aritonović) and no. 283/09 (Predrag Joksimović). The opinions will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština, on the last week of January 2016.


16/11/15 - In November 2015, during its 88th session, the Panel adopted three (3) opinions on the merits concerning nine (9) complaints: nos. 58/09 (Žaklina Folić), 59/09 (Plana Folić), 60/09 (Slađana Folić), 61/09 (Savo Folić), 62/09 (Slobodanka Folić), 215/09 (Vidna Jevrić) and 217/09 (Žarko Folić); no. 132/09 (Zorka Ristić) and no. 85/10 (B.K.).  The opinions will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština, on 6 – 12 December 2015.


26/10/15 - In October 2015, during its 87th session, the Panel adopted three (3) opinions on the merits concerning twenty (20) complaints: nos. 111/09 (Bogoljub Kostić), 117/09 (Pavle Kostić), 143/09 (Živanka Patrnogić), 178/09, 179/09 and 180/09 (Petra Kostić), 230/09 (Pavle Kostić), 231/09 and 232/09 (Bogoljub Kostić), 240/09 and 241/09 (Kristina Nikolić), 247/09 (Vesna Vojinović), 253/09, 254/09 and 263/09 (Slavica Banzić), 284/09 and 286/09 (Dragica Božanić); nos. 153/09 and 181/09 (Lidija Milenković), as well as no. 246/09 (Stevan Simović).  The opinions will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština, on 9 - 14 November 2015.


17/09/15 - In September 2015, during its 86th session, the Panel adopted five (5) opinions on the merits concerning twelve (12) complaints: nos 68/09, 83/09, 235/09, 236/09 and 256/09, Mirić, Stojković and Spasić; no. 124/09, Jošanović; nos. 224/09, 225/09, 343/09 and 344/09, Ristić; no. 266/09, Škripac;  and no. 290/09, Stojković.  The opinions will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština, on 19 - 24 October 2015.                                                                                     


In August 2015, during its 85th session, the Panel adopted one (1) opinion on the merits concerning one (1) complaint, no. 06/10, Marković. The opinion will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština on 7 - 11 September 2015.


19/05/15 - In May 2015, during its 83rd session, the Panel adopted four (4) opinions on the merits concerning four (4) complaints: no. 239/09, Pantović; no. 260/09, Čel; no. 279/09, Voštić; and no. 288/09, Jel. These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština on 22 - 26 June 2015.


05/05/15 - In April 2015, during its 82nd session, the Panel adopted six (6) opinions on the merits concerning nine (9) complaints: nos 13/09, 93/09, 267/09 and 302/09, S.C., V.F., M.O. and O.L.; no. 244/09, Šaranović; no. 270/09, Vuksanović; no. 275/09, Bulatović; no. 293/09, Jovanović, Patrnogić, Jovanović and Lučin; and no. 333/09, Maslar. These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština on 11 - 15 May 2015

24/03/15 - In March 2015, during its 81th session, the Panel adopted four (4) opinions on the merits concerning four (4) complaints: no. 213/09, Jovanović; no. 269/09, Ristić; no. 287/09, Grujić; and no. 304/09, Stanković. These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština on 20 - 26 April 2015.


04/03/15 - In February 2015, during its 80th session, the Panel adopted seven (7) opinions on the merits concerning seven (7) complaints: no. 04/07, Balaj et al., no. 116/09, Vitošević, no. 216/09, Janićević; no. 234/09, Shala, no. 261/09, Lazić; no. 340/09, Ru.R. and no. 15/10, Pekić. The English version of the opinion in the case Balaj et al, no. 04/07, is already available on the Panel’s webpage; the others will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština on 16 - 21 March 2015.


03/02/15 - In January 2015, during its 79th session, the Panel adopted four (4) opinions on the merits concerning four (4) complaints: no. 227/09, Nikolić; 228/09, Ničić; 262/09, Kuzmanović and 303/09, Ilić. These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time. The next session of the Panel is scheduled to take place in Prishtinё/Priština on 23 – 27 February 2015.

15/12/14 - In December 2014, during its 78th session, the Panel adopted seven (7) opinions on the merits concerning fifteen (15) complaints: nos 72/09 et al (8 complaints), Nikolić, Kabaš and Petrović; 163/09, Milosavljević; 222/09, Jovanović; 226/09, Vujačić; 229/09, Z.B.; 264/09-265/09, Šmigić; and 289/09, Stevanović. These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time.


25/11/14 - In November 2014, during its 77th session, the Panel adopted three (3) opinions on the merits of concerning eight (8) complaints (nos 144/09, 158/09, 166/09, 209/09, 210/09, 258/09, 276/09 and 38/10). These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time.


27/10/14 - In October 2014, during its 76th session, the Panel adopted eight (8) opinions on the merits of concerning eight (8) complaints (nos 147/09, 177/09, 219/09, 223/09, 245/09, 249/09, 252/09 and 282/09) and one (1) decision rejecting a request for revision of its opinion (case no. 319/09). These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time.


26/09/14- In September 2014, during its 75th session, the Panel adopted one (1) admissibility decision concerning one (1) complaint (no. 38/10) and five (5) opinions on the merits concerning five (5) complaints (no. 133/09, no. 156/09, no. 160/09, no. 170/09, no. 176/09). These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time.


11/08/2014 – In August 2014, during its 74 session, the Panel has adopted six (6) opinions on the merits with regard to twelve (12) complaints (cases no. 14/09/, 15/09, 18/09, 19/09, 20/09, 21/09, 131/09, 152/09, 171/09, 212/09, 237/09 and 238/09). These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month’s time.



30/06/2014 - In June 2014, during its 73rd session, the Panel has adopted five (5) opinions on the merits with regard to seven (7) complaints (case nos 99/09, 214/09, 291/09, 292/09, 296/09, 331/09 and 349/09). These documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month's time.


24/06/2014 - Today the Panel met with the members of the Working Group on the Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances established in 1980 by the former United Nations Commission on Human Rights, which is currently visiting  the Western Balkans (http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=14709&LangID=E). After an introduction by the Panel's Presiding Member, the participants discussed various matters of mutual interest related to the issue of missing persons in Kosovo.

02/06/2014 - In May 2014, during its 72nd session, the Panel has adopted one (1) decision on admissibility regarding one (1) complaint (352/09) and five (5) opinions on the merits with regard to six (6) complaints (80/09, 84/09, 154/09, 155/09, 319/09 and 339/09). As usually, these documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month's time.


16/04/2014 - In April 2014, during its 71st session, the Panel has adopted one (1) decision on admissibility regarding one (1) complaint and five (5) opinions on the merits with regard to nine (9) complaints. As per usual practice, these documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month's time.


20/03/2013 - T​he Panel's 2013 Annual Report has been published on its webpage. You can access it by clicking < here >For the Albanian and Serbian versions of the Report, please visit the appropriate language versions of this webpage.


17/03/2014 - In March 2014, during its 70th session, the Panel has adopted four (4) opinions on the merits with regard to twelve (12) complaints related to insufficient criminal investigation into the cases of missing and murdered persons, one (1) decision on a request for reconsideration, as well as a number of procedural decisions. As per usual practice, these documents will be displayed on this web page in approximately one month's time. The Panel has also adopted its 2013 Annual Report, which will be posted on this webpage soon.

19/02/2014 – In February 2014, during its 69th session, the Panel adopted three (3) opinions on the merits relating to five (5) complaints as well as two (2) decisions on requests for reconsideration (concerning two (2) complaints). These documents will be displayed on this web-page in approximately one month's time.

28/01/2014 - In January 2014, during its 68th session, the Panel adopted five (5) opinions on the merits concerning eight (8) complaints. These documents will be displayed on this web-page in approximately one month's time.