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Books from Serbia enter Kosovo (Kohaonline)

Textbooks from Serbia, which were stopped a few days ago from entering Kosovo at Jarinje border point, are already in Kosovo.

The news was confirmed for KosovaPress by representatives of Kosovo Customs. Officials from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, stressed that the books are already being distributed to the respective schools. They also stressed that this is allowed based on Ahtisaari’s Plan and agreements reached in Brussels, despite the fact that the books are not in accordance with the curriculum of Kosovo.

Geography books present Kosovo as part of Serbia, while the History ones write about the “Albanian minority” in Kosovo which occupied Serbian territories. Such books continue to be allowed to enter Kosovo and students of Serb municipalities study from them.

Adriatik Stavileci, Spokesperson of Kosovo Customs, said that the books were allowed to enter Kosovo only after they presented the required documentation.

On the other hand, Xhavit Dakaj, General Secretary of the Ministry for Education, Science and Technology said that he has given the permission for the textbooks to enter Kosovo. According to him, Customs request approval of Kosovo institutions for every contingent that enters Kosovo. “In this concrete case, we are dealing with material dedicated to schools. The receiver of the donation requests from the Ministry to allow entrance of a contingent, with didactic or school material,” said Dakaj.