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Do not allow political trials (Kosovapress)

The government of Kosovo issued a statement today calling on all parties to act calmly in order to avoid further tensions in the former Yugoslav Republic of Kosovo. “The Government of the Republic of Kosovo calls on Macedonian authorities to guarantee the implementation of basic human rights and to allow citizens to enjoy their right for protesting peacefully. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo calls for transparent trials, especially the delicate case that is being treated in Macedonia, in order not to allow political trials or for these trials to serve as basis for inciting inter-ethnic hatred. We call on Albanian citizens in the Republic of Macedonia to act with maturity and self-restraint, to follow the path of dialogue and institutions for resolving problems. We also call on them not to fall for provocations coming from certain segments that want to cause further tensions and who do not represent the will of the Albanian population in Macedonia. These groups have specific agendas that are against national interests, therefore, we call on citizens not to cooperate with them or to fall under their influence,” the statement said.