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Haradinaj or Thaci, EU expects dialogue to resume (Koha)

The paper reports on the front page that Brussels expects Pristina to show the same commitment to dialogue with Belgrade, regardless of who will lead the next government in Pristina. Talks with Belgrade have become a topic in discussions for the formation of the new government. One of the conditions of the Vetevendosje Movement for the eventual Haradinaj government is to suspend negotiations with Belgrade. Analysts too agree that the time has come to set some basic principles and not talk with Belgrade without securing an equal position on inter-state matters. The EU, meanwhile, is closely following developments after the 8 June elections and modalities for the creation of the new government. The office of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said it expects the dialogue to resume and the 19 April Brussels agreement to be implemented in its entirety. Despite delays in the implementation of that agreement, sources in Brussels told the paper in March that Edita Tahiri, convinced that Thaci will lead the new government, had suggested other topics for talks with Belgrade. “The demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Serbia; air and railroad transport; compensation for war damages; compensation for families of those killed; the issue of missing persons – these are some of the issues proposed by Edita Tahiri, coordinator of technical groups for talks with Serbia,” the source said. Outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci told the paper that dialogue is the best way to resolve problems between the two parties and that this is a local and international obligation.