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Osmani: Williamson’s report, bitter and good news (Telegrafi)

Democratic League of Kosovo MP, Vjosa Osmani, said the report of the Special Investigative Task Force prosecutor Clint Williamson is both good and bitter news and called for justice for all victims.

She said Williamson’s report is bitter for Kosovo’s international image and that “it is enough to only read international media in the last two days to understand this”.

Osmani said it is unfortunate that many people misinterpret Williamson’s statement of findings. “If someone truly believes that Williamson wants to tarnish Kosovo’s fight for freedom, this is not only political naivety but an attempt to close the eyes before a situation which we unavoidably have to face if we want to close the dark chapter in which some individuals have put Kosovo in”, wrote Osmani on Facebook.

She said that confirmation from Williamson that political assassinations will also be investigated is good news for the families of many LDK activists who have been seeking justice for the loss of their loved ones for fifteen years. “All civilian victims deserve justice, regardless of their background, and all those that have committed crimes should face justice, regardless of which community they belong to”, added Osmani.