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KLA Veterans: Ready to come to the aid of Albanians in FYROM (Gazeta Express)

War Veterans of the Kosovo Liberation Army issued a press release today saying they are ready to use all their capacities to come to the aid of Albanians in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. “The problem of Albanians in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia does not date from the latest protests or by the politically-framed Monstra case. Rather it is a problem that dates from 1912 when after Albania declared its independence, the Serbian Kingdom forcefully occupied Albanian territories. The artificial Macedonian nation was formed during Tito’s Yugoslavia. Macedonian chauvinists populated Albanian lands with southern Slavs in an attempt to make Albanians a minority community in their lands. The resistance of the Albanian nation there, which culminated with the fight of the National Liberation Army, deserves all the praise. This fight produced the so-called ‘Ohrid Agreement’ which has not been implemented yet due to the deviousness of Slavic chauvinists, constant support from Serbia and the inefficiency of the international community … The unsuccessful repression against Albanians has culminated with the Monstra case, in which Albanian youths were sentenced to a life imprisonment without evidence. All this was done with direct intervention from the state of Serbia, supported by chauvinist prosecutors and judges, who want to remove Albanians from their lands. While closely following the situation, the KLA War Veterans has the following demands: 1. A trial of the Monstra case with international monitors; 2. Authorities of the Republic of Kosovo must not extradite two youths of this group who are held in Kosovo prisons; 3. The governments of Albania and Kosovo must coordinate with Albanian political-social stakeholders in FYROM in order to have a national strategy which is unfortunately lacking; 4. Continued protests in FYROM and in front of embassies of the artificial “Macedon” state in the world; 5. Protesters should not target Albanian political parties but Macedonian chauvinists and their anti-Albanian mechanisms; 6. We, as war veterans, are ready to put all our capacities to the aid of our brothers in FYROM, on whatever they may need, so that we can Slavic repression once and for all. The KLA War Veterans will inform in due time the veterans and our freedom-loving people for our actions vis-à-vis this situation,” the press release notes.