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Jacobson meets party leaders, calls for free and democratic elections (Lajmi)

On the second day of election campaign, leaders of main political parties in Kosovo gathered in a meeting called by the US Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson.

Sources said that in the meeting, Jacobson made it clear to the leaders that her country expects the campaign and 8 June elections to be free and democratic.

“The meeting focused on the election process Kosovo is going through. Ambassador Jacobson conveyed the stance of the United States that having free and democratic elections is a necessity for Kosovo to be able to move forward on its Euro-Atlantic journey”, the source said.

The ambassador also stressed that the US expect each party leader to contribute to the creation of a peaceful atmosphere during election campaign and holding of elections in accordance to democratic standards and values.

At the same time, the news website reports that there was no representative from Vetevendosje at the meeting with Jacobson. Vetevendosje’s Dardan Molliqaj said Albin Kurti was not invited to the meeting because no one needs to warn him about the regularity of elections.

“We don’t get invited because we are a political entity that respects the election process. There is no need for advice, criticism or scolding. I think it is very good that the ambassador has invited the other leaders to warn them just as she did before 2013 local elections”, said Molliqaj.