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Kurti requests from EULEX to give an account for one and a half billion euros (KosovaPress)

Albin Kurti, the outgoing leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, met today at the  Vetevendoje headquarters the Ambassador of Finland in Kosovo, Anne Meskanen. During this meeting Kurti requested clarification for EULEX’s one and a half billion euros spent in Kosovo.

Kurti stressed that instead of adding the special court to Kosovo, EULEX should give account to the European tax-payers for the one and a half billion Euros spent in Kosovo.

According to a press release issued by the Vetevendosje Movement the recent political developments in Kosovo, the socio-economic situation and irregular immigration of Kosovo people to the West, were also discussed at this meeting. According to Kurti, the current situation in Kosovo is a consequence of wrong orientation and wrong economic system. He added that privatization and investments on infrastructure did not bring economic development and that Kosovo should urgently focus on local production.

The dialogue with Serbia and Vetevendosje’s engagement at Kosovo Assembly and in continuous protests, were also subject of this meeting.