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Haradinaj: AAK deputies will not vote establishment of the special court (

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), has not changed its position on the special court. The leader of this opposition party, Ramush Haradinaj, said today that deputies of his party will not vote establishment of the special court at the Assembly.

“No, I had an opportunity to inform you about this. We have a political position, we do not vote the special court,” he said.

The international pressure on the opposition parties of the Assembly to vote the special court recently has increased. A few days ago, the official of the U.S. State Department for War Crime Issues, Stephan Rapp, met during his visit to Kosovo with Kosovo leaders and made it clear that if the Assembly of Kosovo does not vote establishment of the court, the U.S. will not impede Russia to establish a tribunal for Kosovo at the UN.

Media also reported that the U.S. State Department invited Haradinaj in the U.S. to convince him to vote for this court.

Even though AAK was co-organizer of the recent protest “against capturing of the state,” Haradinaj was seen a day after having coffee with the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. It is believed that they discussed AAK’s role and position on the special court.

Also, Head of the EU Office and Special Envoy for Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, has continuously called on Kosovo deputies to vote the constitutional changes which open way to the establishment of this court.

However, just as any other constitutional change, establishment of the special court requires two thirds of the votes at the Assembly, which makes it difficult for the court to establish if opposition parties reject it.