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Minister Abrashi pelted with eggs again, Vetevendosje assumes responsibility (media)

All media report that Arban Abrashi, Kosovo’s Minister for Labor and Social Welfare, was pelted with eggs today as he was leaving the government building in downtown Pristina. This is the second time that Abrashi has been pelted with eggs. The Vetevendosje Movement assumed responsibility for the attack. “Abrashi, same as this government, is responsible for the current situation in Kosovo. This government, in which Abrashi serves as spokesperson, has violated the Constitution with the sole purpose of implementing Serbia’s projects in Kosovo. This government has neither the legality nor the legitimacy to lead the country. The institutions will not function normally until the demands of the people are met. We will also not leave the exponents of this criminal regime alone until the agreements are revoked and new elections are announced,” a Vetevendosje communiqué said.