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“Non-election of PRB members doesn’t threaten visa liberalization” (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said today that the failure of the Kosovo Assembly to elect the members of the Procurement Review Body will not impact the visa liberalization process for Kosovo. “I think there is no reason why this should threaten the visa liberalization process. We have met all the criteria. As far as the Procurement Review Body and the procurement system, I can say that last year we completed the public procurement regulatory committee, we amended the law on procurement, we have moved on to electronic procurement this year and we have also identified the phases of electronic procurement for all central agencies. Starting from next year, the electronic procurement will be implemented at the local level too,” Mustafa said during a visit to Rahovec. “The election of PRB members is a practical matter and if it was not done yesterday it will be completed in a week. What is important is for the law to provide for the independence and professionalism of this body”. Asked to comment on the refusal of some LDK MPs to vote for the PRB members, Mustafa said: “I did not ask for explanations from the MPs, they are free to make their own decisions. It is important that this matter is concluded in the best way possible”.