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Mustafa: My brother sought asylum due to health matters, I didn’t threaten anyone (RFE)

Most of the media is running an interview that Kosovo Prime Minister did with Radio Free Europe. Mustafa told the news agency today that his brother used illegal channels to find shelter outside Kosovo and find medical treatment for his serious illness. Mustafa also denied calling a reporter of a Pristina-based news site that first reported on the issue.

Mr. Prime Minister, what is your explanation about your brother seeking asylum? Media have reported that he used illegal channels to leave Kosovo?

I later understood that my brother was among the large number of people who sought shelter in other countries. As far as I know, he did so because of his serious health condition and the fact that he could not find treatment here. He never told the family that he would seek shelter and treatment elsewhere. I felt bad when I learned about this. But he too shares the fate of many of our people who due to social problems and unemployment seek solutions for their problems abroad. He too did this so he could find a medical solution for a certain period of time. He never managed to get such treatment, he has returned and he is now here ... It is up to the public to decide whether the case of an ill person should become a Kosovo-wide topic.

It was said that he used illegal channels. Does this mean that the Kosovo Government was not able to inform its people that they can use legal channels to find medical treatment abroad?

Some patients have previously used legal channels by providing evidence that they cannot get proper medical treatment here and that they need to go abroad. But now we are working to address these cases in Kosovo and to narrow down the list of those who must be treated abroad following the expertise of respective health committees. I think we will achieve this.

Perhaps this is a personal matter but have you talked to your brother about the main reasons why he didn’t follow the institutional channels to travel abroad?

He had already been through lengthy medical treatment and I didn’t discuss the matter with him because I didn’t want to trouble him given his very difficult health condition. Ultimately, it is his right, he is an adult, he has his own family, and we cannot use the position of the Prime Minister for this even though I felt really bad that his health condition forced him to follow this course.

Some media reported that you called the reporter on the phone and insulted him. What is your version of the event?

I gave my explanation in a Facebook post yesterday. I never threatened or insulted anyone. I stand by my explanation. I think this was the right position.

Does this mean you didn’t call the reporter on the phone?

Allow me to repeat that everything related to this was explained in my post on Facebook.