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Police escorts Visar Ymeri to court (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Police escorted leader of the Vetevendosje movement Visar Ymeri, to court, for the session on the case of fighting with the MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Bekim Haxhiu.

Visar Ymeri, MP Rexhep Selimi, former MP Florin Krasniqi and driver, Besart Bujupi, are accused to have physically attacked Bekim Haxhiu known as Kamishi in 2012, in front of the Kosovo Assembly facilities.

Ymeri’s escort by the police was confirmed by Vetevendosje movement. Ymeri did not respond in the past to the invitation of the Basic Court in Pristina. The session has already begun, and the verdict is expected to take place soon. Rexhep Selimi is also present at today’s session. Koha Ditore’s journalist reported from the court that Rexhep Selimi and Visar Ymeri have requested to show the recording of the incident that they are accused of.