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Veseli: Kosovo was a leader in combating religious extremism (media)

Several media have picked up an interview that Kadri Veseli, President of the Kosovo Assembly and acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), gave to Klan Kosova on Thursday. Veseli said in the 2005-2006 period, Kosovo was a leader in combating extremism in the region. He said he could not reveal if the former Intelligence Service of Kosovo (SHIK) met with people who were trying to promote radical Islam and if it asked them to leave Kosovo, “because the work of intelligence services is secret”. “As citizens of Kosovo, we must thank the Western world for helping us distance ourselves from things such as religious extremism,” he said. Veseli, who is the only candidate for the post of leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, also talked about his friendship with former PDK leader and current President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci. “The circumstances in our country kept alive my friendship with the current President. The ideals we had for our country during difficult times. We never imagined that we would reach this point one day, myself as President of the Assembly and he as President of Kosovo,” he said. Veseli said other people in the PDK should join the race for the post of party leader. “The race is not over yet, there is time until May 7. I call on all party members to run for the post … The PDK will change by evolving every year. The PDK has exceptional people that can govern the country,” he added. Asked about cooperation with other political parties, Veseli said: “we will not rule out any political party. However, as far as the Vetevendosje Movement is concerned and their position vis-à-vis the Republic of Kosovo – failing to recognize the symbols of the constitution and the state – makes our political cooperation very difficult”. Veseli also argued against divisions within Kosovo “at a time when we should focus on development and Euro-Atlantic integration”. Veseli said that Kosovo is oriented toward the United States of America and Europe, not only in terms of the functioning of the society but also for attracting investments. “I strongly prefer for Kosovo to attract investors from the U.S., Germany and Switzerland,” he said. Veseli also said that in terms of investments between Turkey and Europe, Kosovo chooses the latter.