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Tahiri: We only discussed telecom, Djuric is lying about the Association (Koha)

The Kosovo delegation, led by Minister and chief negotiator Edita Tahiri, and including representatives of ARKEP and mobile telephony operators, attended a meeting in Brussels on the issue of the telecom. The meeting, which lasted 20 hours, focused on the final steps for the ITU to give the state telephone code 383 to Kosovo. A press release issued by the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo noted that despite the commitment of the Kosovo delegation and the European Union to conclude the matter and despite considerable progress achieved in the previous two meetings, the Serbian delegation was not willing to conclude the process. “During the meeting there was progress in concluding technical issues, however, the Serbian delegation was trying to review the agreement on the telecom, something that the Kosovo delegation categorically rejected,” the press release noted. The Kosovo delegation insisted that the agreement on the telecom must be based on Kosovo’s laws and framework for telecommunication. The press release added: “the Serbian delegation, although a signatory of the agreement, was trying to derail the implementation process outside Kosovo’s laws ... Unlike the previous rounds of talks, where an agreement was reached to remove the barricade and where the Serbian side was more constructive, in this case the Serbian side was not serious and at times was confusing and uncoordinated which implied that they were either not willing to see the process through or they were unfamiliar with the topic of discussion. During the meeting there were harsh political discussions and Minister Tahiri reminded the Serbian side that these are internationally-mediated talks between two states and that the Serbian side was being hypocritical by signing an internationally-guaranteed agreement with the state of Kosovo and at the same time trying to derail the agreement ... The meeting focused only the telephone code and the Serbian representative, Marko Djuric, lied when he said that the meeting in Brussels would focus on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities”.