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Arifi: Kurti’s statement on war, only urges MPs to vote demarcation (Indeksonline)

Avni Arifi, member of the Presidency of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) today reacted to the statement of Vetëvendosje MP, Albin Kurti, who said that the current demarcation deal might bring war in Kosovo.  Arifi said Kurti’s statement only urges the MPs to vote for the current demarcation agreement.  “Kurti's threat that voting demarcation agreement means war with Montenegro only urges the MPs to vote this agreement. How can it bring war if those elected by the people vote for it. Also, there is nothing sincere on the invitation of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to discuss demarcation issue. It's just a trick to buy time, and meanwhile increase pressure on MPs to vote for the current version of demarcation,” he said.