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PDK and LDK clashing over budget (Indeksonline)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, is saying that Kosovo’s budget for 2017 will be €2 billion; however, the issue of the budget could be the reason behind the eventual breakup of the ruling coalition. The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), led by Kadri Veseli, is not satisfied with the budget lines drafted by the Ministry of Finance led by Avdullah Hoti, a member of the LDK chairmanship. Citing unnamed sources, the news website reports that the LDK has not taken into consideration the PDK’s proposals for the 2017 budget lines and that this is the reason behind recent clashes between the coalition partners. “This is why early elections are mentioned as an option as means of forcing the LDK to change the budget lines. If the LDK does not take into consideration the PDK’s proposals, then the PDK might not support the budget draft law that will be presented at the Assembly in November,” a source from the ruling coalition told the news website. Asked to comment on the issue, PDK parliamentary group chief, Zenun Pajaziti, neither confirmed nor denied that the PDK is not satisfied with the 2017 budget lines. Pajaziti said MPs are analysing the issue and that he will not comment on the matter for now.