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Demolli: We are working on establishing Kosovo Army (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Minister of Security Force, Haki Demolli, today while reporting to the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs stressed that the Ahtisaari package foresees Kosovo to have its own army in the future. “The government has on its agenda as a priority the transformation of the KSF in Kosovo Armed Force,” Demolli said. “We have drafted the constitutional amendments that aim to change the status of the KSF into Armed Force, and we submitted these amendments to the Constitutional Court. The Court gave us the green light,” he said. According to him, the draft law for the transformation of the KSF was handed over to the government on 5 March 2015, but it was never forwarded to the Kosovo Assembly. Demolli also added that these documents have not been included in the agenda of the Assembly due to the unwillingness of Serb representatives.