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Tahiri: Kosovo will soon establish a unitary system of justice in northern part (Zeri)

Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, said today that the talks in Brussels on justice have been productive. “We are very close to determining the final date for the establishment of a unitary system of justice in the northern part of our state as a result of the Brussels agreement. Implementation of the agreement for justice enables the establishment of unique system of justice in the northern part of Kosovo, where a trial court and prosecution office will soon start functioning in the Mitrovica region,” Tahiri said through a press statement.  “Kosovo has successfully completed the process of recruiting the staff of the judiciary and the prosecution under the laws of Kosovo. Implementation of this agreement ends the former parallel justice system in Kosovo. These parallel structures de facto have stopped operation in late 2013, while de jure their dissolution will occur when Serbia abrogates work contracts and salaries for staff who previously worked in the former parallel structures. After this action, begins immediately the work of the Kosovo justice system in the northern part of the country,” Tahiri said.