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Kurti: Dialogue must be suspended and there will be no Thaci 3 (Gazeta Blic)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti made it clear today to Dashiell Caldwell, director for Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia in the British Foreign Office, and to British ambassador Ian Cliff that dialogue with Serbia must be suspended. Kurti also said that the process of privatization should be stopped. Vetevendosje issued a communiqué after the meeting saying that Kurti informed Caldwell and Cliff about post-election developments and meetings between political parties. “We said that there are three phases. Phase one, and we all agreed on this very quickly, is that there will be no Thaci 3. We are now in phase two and it involves what the next government should not be doing. In this regard, we have presented our criteria: to suspend dialogue with Serbia and to stop the process of privatization. If we conclude phase two successfully then we will move on to phase three and that is what the next government should be doing,” Kurti said in the meeting.