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Political leaders react to postponement of decision on Haradinaj (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said postponing decision on Haradinaj’s release is “an injustice on so many fronts.” He said international justice continues to be influenced by Serb politics. Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, called for an end to Serbia’s arrest warrants against Kosovo Liberation Army fighters. He said the court’s decision to postpone was “unacceptable.”

Leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, blamed the government of Kosovo for the prolongation of Haradinaj’s detention in France. “This drama happening to Ramush is a clear indicator of how irrelevant our country has been made by the people who are leading it,” Limaj said. He added that no normal country would allow one of its citizens being treated like Haradinaj “let alone a former prime minister.” “We have to stand together and bring back dignity to our country. The whole evil that is happening to us is in Pristina; we should not look for it elsewhere,” Limaj wrote on Facebook.

Vetevendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, meanwhile said Haradinaj is being held “Serbia’s hostage.” “Ramush Haradinaj is a citizen of the Republic and a self-sacrificing fighter for its liberation from Serbia. Serbia’s warrants should not be recognised. By anyone in Kosovo. By anyone that has recognised Kosovo as a Republic,” Ymeri wrote on Facebook account.