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Thaci: Belgrade swallowed easier declaration of independence than creation of Army (Lajmi)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said at a panel for transformation of the Kosovo Security Force that works on this matter have been going on for 17 or 18 years now. He also added that Kosovo was very close to this transformation in 2014, adding that at that time, international community also supported the transformation. Thaci said that Serbia is impeding every initiative of Kosovo. “We cannot accept to coordinate and consult Serbia on Kosovo’s army,” he said.

“Our path for transformation of the KSF is the one that we have been working on for a long time. This path requires double majority. However, members of the Serbian List have made it clear that they are ordered by Belgrade not to vote the Kosovo Army,” Thaci said.

“Now the matter of the KSF is similar to the independence one. Is it going to be proclaimed this weekend or the next,” he said.

Thaci further explained that the matter was discussed many times with the members of the Serbian List, but they made it clear that their vote is decided by Belgrade. “I think that Belgrade swallowed easier declaration of the independence than creation of the Army of Kosovo,” Thaci said.