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Klan Kosova: Germany disappointed with Thaci

The initiative of the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci for transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into a Kosovo army has raised concerns with Germany. “We are disappointed that the proposal was not discussed in advance with Kosovo partners in NATO and other relevant actors. We are concerned because the proposal endangers Kosovo’s cooperation with NATO and hinders normalisation dialogue,” the German Embassy said in a written response to Klan Kosova.

President of Kosovo enjoys the right granted to him by the Constitution to propose legislative initiatives but according to the German Embassy in Pristina, the Constitution needs to be consulted on the KSF transformation process. “Definition of the mandate and the structure of the Kosovo Security Force are independent decisions of Kosovo. However, any transformation would have to be done in line with the Constitution of Kosovo and through a transparent political process that would include all stakeholders.”

The German Embassy stated that the issue of KSF transformation is keeping the public opinion attention away from much-needed reforms in the field of health insurance and better social welfare.