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Kollqaku: Thaci and Vucic are not equal, discussions illegitimate (Klan Kosova)

Deputy leader of Vetevendosje movement, Fatmire Kollqaku, said that Kosovo’s restart of the dialogue with Serbia, by President Hashim Thaci, at the time when Kosovo has just went through an election process, is illegitimate.

Kollqaku told Klan Kosova that Kosovo is not a presidential country where the President makes decisions for the country, but it is a parliamentary state. She said that instead of accelerating creation of the institutions, he bypassed the country to meet Serbia’s President, Aleksandar Vucic. “We at Vetevendosje have requested to discuss about this dialogue, initially with the European Union and tell them what we want from this dialogue. We are in dialogue with minorities, which is the starting point of the dialogue that we want here, a dialogue from the ground and up, and not the opposite,” Kollqaku said.

“We know that each time when Serbia held elections, negotiations were interrupted and they dealt with their state. This is not the first time that the country is being bypassed, we are not a playing states,” Kollqaku concluded. presidential but a parliamentary state and how this dialogue can start without the permission from the Assembly of Kosovo?” she asked.

“It does not make sense and it is completely illegitimate to continue with dialogue. The President is not equal with his Serbian counterpart either, because he was not elected by the vote of the people. It is clear that the dialogue should start with a completely different concept and not by