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Mustafa: Serbia’s damages in Kosovo estimated at over USD 20 billion (Kallxo)

Economy professor and former MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Muhamet Mustafa, said that damage Serbia has caused to Kosovo from 1990 to 1999 reaches a figure of over USD 20 billion. Mustafa, who led economy experts group at the Kosovo status talks in Vienna, said Kosovo agreed to pay off its external debt but only up until 1990 when its autonomy was revoked by Serbia. From then to 1999, Mustafa said Serbia was responsible for damages incurred from the 1998-1999 conflict, mass expulsion of Albanians from the workforce, looting, damages to the budget system and so on.  “Serbia refused to sign this part of the Ahtisaari agreement because apart from debts we asked for the agreement on economic accounts also include damages Kosovo inflicted on Kosovo”, Mustafa said.
