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Thaci: Special Court is mono-ethnic (media)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, spoke today at the panel, organized by Integra, CPT and PAX NGOs on “Public perception of Kosovo’s Special Court: dangers and possibilities.” He said that Kosovo demonstrated more loyalty but it was punished the most.

“The Special Court is hybrid. Files were submitted by Belgrade. The Special Court will be considering raised allegations,’ he said.

He stressed that "we should say what we know and what is accurate. The Special Court is mono-ethnic. The Special Court will not be dealing with rapes that Serbs committed in Kosovo, not with the 12 thousand murders in Kosovo. So, this Court does not deal at all with Serbia’s crimes committed in Kosovo,” he said.

According to him, KLA war was fair.

“After the publication of Dick Marty’s report, I warned that I was going to press charges against the senator. However this could not happen being that he had immunity,” Thaci said.

He added that the decision for the establishment of the Special Court came as a political need and not the need for justice.

Thaci said he accepted to lead this difficult process in order to keep the partnership with allies.