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Pilot-project measuring rule of law in municipalities presented in Pristina (Koha)

A pilot-project measuring the rule of law in public administration in Kosovo municipalities, sponsored by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in Kosovo (UNDP) in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and NGO FOL, was presented on Tuesday in Pristina. The pilot-project has measured the rule of law in public administration with regard to social housing in municipalities of Kosovo. During the presentation it was revealed how the issue of social housing is addressed in four municipalities: Gjakovë/Djakovica, Istog/Istok, Kamenica and Lipjan/Lipljane.

According to the report of this project, the main obstacles in this area are lack of funding, facilities, databases, property disputes and the issue of fair allocation of flats.

During the closing ceremony, the project partners and representatives of central and municipal institutions, showed their consent stating that the project helped them discover the challenges dealing with the rules of the institutions of central and local level, as well as identify challenges for their administrative processes to address the social needs of their residents.