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People who left before 1999 also considered refugees? (Zeri)

Mitrovica local media carried a debate organised in Belgrade on the situation of over 200,000 displaced persons from Kosovo to Serbia. The debate included representatives from UNHCR and civil society. The panelists spoke of the difficult conditions in which the persons displaced from Kosovo to Serbia are living in, particularly members of the Roma community.

According to the UNHCR official, Davor Rako, around 90,000 displaced persons have not found permanent employment and 79 percent of them live on less than 20,000 Dinars a month. “Our goal was to find a long-lasting solution for the displaced. We are ready to help the government to return the displaced persons to Kosovo”, said Rako.

Researcher Jelena Grujic-Zindovic said that the number of 200,000 displaced Serbs from Kosovo from 1999 could also include those who came to Serbia before that time since for getting the refugee status information regarding time of departure from Kosovo was not asked.

Idro Seferi, Kosovo journalist based in Belgrade, said it wouldn’t be realistic to expect all displaced Serbs return to Kosovo but noted that it should be made possible to those who want to go back. “There is freedom of movement there for all but this is not enough for someone to lead a normal life”, he said.

Dusan Janjic from the Ethnic Relations Forum said it is important to determine who has the right to be treated as a displaced persons and also how long this status will last. According to him, the Serbian Government should provide social cards to the displaced persons and help them with employment.
