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Controversy Lingers in Kosovo Over Long Awaited Mosque

After years of delay, the assembly of the capital of Kosovo looks set to give the go-ahead to the construction of a new 'Central Mosque' - despite the objections of civil society groups. A key item on the agenda of the city council in Pristina, Kosovo, on July 25 is the future of the city's long-planned central mosque, Miranda Mullafazliu, the spokesperson for the municipality, told BIRN. The Islamic Community of Kosovo, BIK, together with former senior state officials, placed the cornerstone of the Central Mosque back in 2012 in the city's Dardania district. It was laid when Pristina was governed by Mayor Isa Mustafa, who is now the Prime Minister. According to the BIK, it has taken a long time since 2012 to receive and review the applications for the project - and select the winning one. See at: is external)