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Hardline Clerics Savage Kosovo's First Pride Parade (Balkan Insight)

The first ever Pride Parade in Kosovo, due to take place on Tuesday, is drawing fierce opposition and derogatory language from some Muslim clerics and from parties close to them.

Some hard-line Muslim clerics in Kosovo have condemned the announced first Pride Parade in Kosovo, which is set to take place on 10 October in Pristina.

One imam of a mosque in the village of Shipol near Mitrovica, Fatmir Latifaj, has published a video using insulting expression about the LGBTI community and voicing deep opposition to the planned parade in Pristina.

Using a vulgar insult for gays, he accused them of “staining our history, which has been written with blood” during a sermon in the mosque. “An Albanian does not become a f---t”, he continued, using the same term.

Another imam, Husamedin Abazi, has published a video titled “The week of shame” referring to the “Pride week”.

The imam accused all the organizations acting on behalf of the Pride Week of working day and night to destroy mankind.

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