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Kosovo shelters for domestic abuse victims close down (Balkan Insight)

Scrambling for funds, Kosovo centers that provide shelter to women and children fleeing from domestic abuse have been temporarily closed.

Government-funded safe houses for women and children fleeing domestic abuse have been forced to shut down for January and February this year due to lack of financial support. Nazife Jonuzi, the director of the shelter in Gjilan, confirmed that the shelters are currently closed due to budgetary delays. “At the moment the employees are not working because of the lack of finances, the lack of financial support,” Jonuzi stated. Meanwhile, the Minister for Labor and Social Welfare, Skender Recica, told BIRN reporters that he was not aware that the centers are not operating. However, he admitted that there have been some “difficulties” in allocating the budget to these shelters. See at: is external)