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The special court and the “Community” go hand in hand (Koha Ditore)

Vetevendosje MP Albin Kurti writes in an opinion piece that similar to the United Nations Mission in Kosovo and to the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, the Special Court will not answer to the people of Kosovo either. “The question is: why should we legitimize something that will not answer to us? This time, they want us as an independent state, to agree to have a judiciary that will be independent from us? It doesn’t get any more absurd than this”. Kurti argues that corrupt government officials, politicians with links to organized crime, killers and thieves hiding under the veil of government should face justice, “but this should not happen with initiatives coming from Serbia and Russia. Our society needs to remove them from government and confront them … In Kosovo they should be tried as criminals of peace for everything they have done to our people in the last 16 years and not as war criminals for what they did to Serbia in those 16 months”. According to Kurti, the historic and political mission of the Special Court is to make Kosovo Albanians feel a collective guilt and to accept in shame the installment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo. "The Special Court consists a new political history for Kosovo. Political history is a prediction of the past. By predicting differently, the Special Court will write a different version of history. The people of the Republic, and especially the members of Parliament, must not accept this court".