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The solution lies outside the Assembly (Koha)

Jakup Krasniqi, former President of the Kosovo Assembly and chairman of the National Council of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), argues in his opinion piece that the EU-brokered talks have not been transparent, are in opposition with the Ahtisaari Plan, are extremely detrimental to the functioning of the state of Kosovo and that they create an ethnic political entity. “All this shows that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, who signed these agreements, has gone beyond his constitutional and political mandate. Therefore, he should resign his post and make way for early elections. It would have been possible to avoid the option of early elections if Kosovo had a law on referendum, whereby the people would express their opinion on these agreements. Under such circumstances, a solution to the problem should be sought outside the Assembly, in an agreement between the political leaders of the government and the opposition as means to overcome the political stalemate. A probable solution should perhaps be sought in teh formation of a technical government which would within a six-month period create an environment for free, fair and democratic elections. These elections would have to fully guarantee the will of the people of Kosovo. Meanwhile, a moratorium should be placed on agreements reached on August 25, until the new institutions are formed.”
