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Government is losing control (Kosova Sot)

In today's editorial the paper argues that the government of Kosovo is accusing the opposition for using violence in the Kosovo institutions, but, at the same time the state officials are undertaking acts of violence against the opposition MPs. "The politicized police treated the former Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti as if he was an ordinary criminal. The MPs have immunity and cannot be treated in such manners. The government being angry by the persistence of the opposition to not accept the recent agreements with Serbia and agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro, has started to lose control. The leaders of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) may order to imprison all the opposition MPs, but they cannot undo their scandals with these agreements.” In the end, the paper criticizes President Atifete Jahjaga for not condemning the violence used by Kosovo Police in clashes with Vetevendosje activists in Pristina downtown on Monday evening.